
Notice Board
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Update on COVID-19 Measures (updated Thursday, 4 February)

Further to the government’s latest announcement, we are pleased to inform Members that we will be reopening selective Recreation facilities tomorrow, Thursday, 4 February as follows:

Happy Valley Old Clubhouse Sports Complex

  • Tennis Courts (7am to 11pm)
  • Short Game Area (7am to 11pm)
  • Changing Rooms and Shower facilities (7am to 11:30pm)

Beas River Country Club

  • Tennis Courts (8am to 10pm)
  • Garden Golf (8am to 10pm)
  • Changing Rooms and Shower facilities (8am to 11pm)

The maximum number of users permitted is 4 persons on the Tennis Courts and 2 persons on the Short Game / Garden Golf Area at any one time and the social distancing measure of 1.5 meters must be adhered to by facility users. Members and guests are also reminded that it is a mandatory requirement to wear face masks except when engaging in sporting activities at the aforesaid facilities and showering. Our staff working at these facilities will undergo COVID-19 testing every 14 days.

The operating details / closures of all other Clubhouse and Happy Valley Racecourse non-Raceday facilities remain in place as per the most recent announcement issued on 20 January. Seating at all dining outlets remain limited to 2 persons per table and Members may book up to 2 tables per membership Account. For Banqueting events, only a maximum number of 20 persons is permitted.

Members are kindly reminded that only family members (family members are grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren and siblings of HKJC Members) and other Members are permitted as guests at all facilities until further notice. As announced previously, Members or their guests should not use any Club facilities if they live in the same buildings as any confirmed cases as announced by the Government or have been in contact with confirmed COVID-19 patients. 

For Members’ convenience, they could make use of the revised e-Declaration Form here and you are also encouraged to use the Leave Home Safe app. Details of the app can be found here.

Members may be assured that all our facilities will continue to observe the stringent standards and high frequencies of cleaning and sanitation as mandated. Please continue to refer to this website for further updates.

For further enquiries, please write to us at or call 1812 (9am to 6pm).

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