
Ownership Journey
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Owning Your Horse
Purchase Your Horse
How to purchase a horse

Countries where horses are usually imported from:

Breakdown of horse imports by exporting country in 2022/2023 season

Countries / Regions Percentage
Australia / New Zealand 84%
United Kingdom / Ireland 13%
Others 3%
Veterinary Pre-import Exam Protocol

Please click here to view the Veterinary Pre-import Exam protocol.

Import Your Horse

All Shipments are organized by the Dual Site Stables Operations and Owners Experience Management Team. The flowchart below illustrates the activities involved in arranging the importation of a horse from overseas.

Overseas Country

Trainer or bloodstock agents contact the Club's appointed shipping agents

Shipping agents organize pre-export veterinary examination and quarantine in overseas (21 days) *

Hong Kong

Shipment from overseas to Hong Kong

Post-Arrival Quarantine at Sha Tin Quarantine Stables (14 days)

Release to trainer stables

* Special quarantine protocol applies to imports from South Africa, please contact Dual Site Stables Operations Department for further details.

Upon arrival, an import administration fee of HK$1,150 will be levied.


The Club believes that owners in Hong Kong should insure their horses at all time. Owner who has successfully purchased a horse is strongly recommended to effect the appropriate insurance cover.

Horse Registration

To register a horse which has been permanently imported into Hong Kong, the following documents must be lodged with the Club:

A travel document issued by the Recognized Racing Authority of the country where the horse was registered.

Stud Book
A certificate issued by the official Stud Book authority of the country where the horse was foaled.

Horse Name Registration

Owners must register a Chinese and an English name for their horses within 1 month from the date of horses' arrival. To submit a new Horse Name, please complete the Horse Name Registration Form (PP / PPG / ISG) and return it to the Racing Registry.

Names not available for selection Click for more details

  1. A name previously held may not be re-registered until 7 years have elapsed from the death or retirement from racing of the previously named horse.
  2. The Stewards of The Hong Kong Jockey Club reserve the right under Rule 8 (3) and Rule 35 (7) of the Rules of Racing to refuse to accept any name at their discretion.
  3. The Stewards of The Hong Kong Jockey Club will not normally approve the change of name of a horse after it has been registered in Hong Kong.
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