
Ownership Journey
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Transfer of Ownership / Change of Racing Name

Transfer of shares to spouse and children

  • An Owner may transfer up to 50% of his or her shares in a horse to his or her spouse, who must be a Club Member, without restriction by application to the Racing Registry.
  • An Owner may apply to the Club to transfer up to 50% of his or her shares in a horse to his/her children, who must be Full or Racing Members in their own right; provided that there will not be more than four (4) partners as a result.

Change of Racing Name - Racing a horse in joint name with one's spouse & children

  • An Owner may race a horse in partnership with his or her spouse without the spouse necessarily being a Club Member but in such cases the spouse will not be entitled to any share of the horse and will not be considered as an Owner.
  • An Owner may race a horse jointly with his children who are Racing Club Members but in such cases the children will not be entitled to any share of the horse and will not be considered as owners.

For details, please refer to Ownership Bye-law.

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