
Notice Board
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Closure of Happy Valley and Sha Tin Clubhouse Gyms (issued Saturday, 13 March)

In respect of the government’s latest announcement requiring all fitness centre staff to be tested and as far as possible, remain at their place of residence until the test results are known, we will be closing the Happy Valley and Sha Tin Clubhouse Gyms at 5pm today until the test results are available.

Both Clubhouses’ Gym staff have been tested yesterday and today. Results are expected to be available latest by the middle of next week and Members may be assured we will reopen both facilities as soon as possible and provide an update next week.

Beas River Country Club’s Gym staff have been tested and their results have returned negative earlier this afternoon. The Gym there will therefore continue to operate.

We would like to stress that there are no positive cases at the Clubhouses and this measure is taken to comply with the government’s direction.

For further enquiries, please write to us at or call 1812 (9am to 6pm).

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