
Notice Board
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Closure of All Clubhouse Gyms (issued Saturday, 20 March)

The government announced last night that all fitness centre staff have to undergo another medical test by today and as far as possible, remain at their place of residence until the test results are known.

As such, the Happy Valley Clubhouse, Sha Tin Clubhouse and Beas River Country Club Gyms will close tomorrow, Sunday, 21 March as our staff will undergo testings today and we expect the results to be returned tomorrow night. We will recommence the operation at all Gyms as usual on Monday, 22 March and provide further updates in the event of changes.

Members may be assured there are no positive cases at the Clubhouses and this measure is taken to comply with the government’s direction.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

For further enquiries, please write to us at or call 1812 (9am to 6pm).