Vaccine Bubble Type C Readiness (issued Thursday, 10 June)
Like many Members, the Club is looking forward to further relaxing social distancing measures in its catering premises permitted by the Vaccine Bubble’s Type C category.
To this end, the Club is encouraging and incentivising all employees to get vaccinated as soon as possible. The Board of Management and senior executives have led by example by getting vaccinated. Medical professionals have been brought in to explain the benefits of vaccination and to address concerns. A pre-inoculation medical consultation is available for any employee who has concerns about their health condition. The Club is also offering employees three days’ paid vaccination leave while they get vaccinated or the cash equivalent if they prefer.
To further encourage catering employees to get vaccinated, the Club is now offering additional incentives if they obtain at least the first dose of the vaccine by 31 July. We very much hope they will respond positively. Certainly we are doing everything we can to communicate with our employees and to allay any concerns they may have.
We will of course keep Members informed and will provide a further update on which catering outlets will be ready to operate as a Type C premise and when at the end of next week. We thank Members once again for their patience, support and understanding.
For further enquiries, please write to us at or call 1812 (9am to 6pm).