Update on COVID-19 Vigilance Measures (Wednesday, 18 March)
Dear Members,
The outbreak of COVID-19 is now reaching an alarming level globally. With the continuous increase in imported infection cases and in line with the Government’s latest health warnings, the Clubhouses and Racecourses WILL NOT admit any Member, his/her family members or guests who have been outside HK for any period of time in the last 14 days.
With immediate effect, ALL Members, Members’ families and guests entering the Clubhouses and Members’ facilities at the Racecourses are required to sign a Health Declaration Form declaring that (1) they do not exhibit any COVID-19 related symptoms; (2) they have not been out of Hong Kong in the past 14 days; (3) they have not been in close contact with someone who has been out of Hong Kong in the past 14 days and (4) they have not been in contact with any confirmed or preliminary positive case of COVID-19 infection in the past 14 days. We ask for your continued support in maintaining the highest possible level of precautionary measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the Club’s premises.
For your convenience, you may download the form by clicking <here> and complete it prior to your upcoming visits. Alternatively, you may also complete the Form which will be available at different entry points of the Clubhouses and Racecourses. Please note that this Form has to be completed on each visit.
It is of utmost importance that Members and guests take the declaration seriously and provide true and correct information. The host member is responsible for notifying all his or her guests of such requirement and ensuring the information provided in the declaration form is true and correct. Any Member or guest who knowingly makes a false declaration will be considered to be in serious breach of Club rules.
Members and guests may be assured that all the information collected is for the purpose of mitigating the spread of the virus and protecting the health and safety of all Members, guests and our staff. The information will be used in accordance with the Club’s Privacy Policy Statement.
We also appeal to all Members not to use the Beas River Country Club’s Chalets as an isolation facility.
Our sincere appreciation for your understanding and cooperation.
For further enquiries, please write to us at membership@hkjc.org.hk or call 1812 (9:00 am to 6:00 pm).