
Notice Board
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COVID-19 Vigilance Measure: Mandatory Declaration Form (Updated on 19 March)

Dear Members,

We would like to further explain the Notice issued yesterday (18 March) requiring Members and guests entering the Clubhouses and Racecourses to sign a Heath Declaration Form.  Please be advised that with effect from 18 March:-

• ALL persons, whether Members or guests (including family members, helpers or drivers) WILL NOT BE ADMITTED to the Clubhouses or Racecourses if:-

(a) They have been outside of Hong Kong within 14 days prior to the date of visit;

(b) They have been in close contact with any person who has been outside of Hong Kong within 14 days prior to the date of visit (in particular family members, maids or drivers);

(c)They have been in close contact with any person who is a confirmed or preliminary positive case of COVID-19 infection in Hong Kong or elsewhere within 14 days prior to the date of visit;

(d)They have or have had symptoms of COVID-19 infection in the past 14 days.

• The above restrictions apply to all persons who have returned to Hong Kong prior to the implementation date of the policy (17 March).  Such persons will not be admitted to the Clubhouses or Racecourses until the requisite 14-day period has passed from the date of arrival in Hong Kong.

• “Close contact” generally means having direct physical contact, living in the same household, travelling in the same vehicle or flight, having social contact in close proximity such as dining together. The above examples are not exhaustive. If you are in doubt, we advise that you err on the side of caution and refrain from using Club facilities.

• It is mandatory for all persons entering the Clubhouses or Racecourses to sign the declaration form (click here).  Each person will be required to fill in his or her own form.  Any person who fails to makes the declaration or fails to answer all questions with a confirmatory negative will not be allowed into Club premises.

• The host Member is responsible for notifying their family members and guests of such requirement and explaining the importance of providing true and accurate information, and is responsible for the actions of his guests.

• Making a false declaration may seriously jeopardise the health and safety of all Members, guests and Club staff and is considered a serious breach of Club rules.  Disciplinary action will be taken against Members who or whose guests made a false declaration.

We hope you understand that the above measures are necessary for ensuring the safety and well-being of our Members, guests and staff and the continued operation of our Members’ facilities.  Your understanding and co-operation is highly appreciated.