
Notice Board
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Amendments to Club’s Bye-laws

The Stewards have recently approved the amendments to the following Club’s Bye-laws:

  • Clubhouses Bye-laws (renamed as Members’ Facilities Bye-laws)
  • General Bye-laws
  • Discipline and Disciplinary Proceedings Bye-laws (renamed as Members’ Disciplinary Bye-laws)
  • Members’ (Suspension of Privileges) Bye-laws

These amendments are necessary to align, consolidate and update the existing sets of Bye-laws so as to provide a legitimate and adequate governance framework for implementing the strategic membership initiatives and facilitating more effective implementation and enforcement of the relevant operational and administrative processes and controls, in particular in view of the new facilities and initiatives to be introduced in relation to the New Clubhouse extension.

A summary of the key changes to the respective Bye-laws is attached <here> for reference.

The amendments take immediate effect, and the updated Bye-laws are available for inspection at the Members’ Services Centre at the Club’s headquarters and Clubhouse Concierge desk.

For further enquiries, please write to us at or call 1812 (9am to 6pm).