
Notice Board
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IMPORTANT: Updated Conditions of Entry to Club Premises Notice (issued Friday, 14 January)

The Club has further revised its Conditions of Entry to Club Premises giving due consideration to the current COVID-19 situation in Hong Kong. Members' attention are drawn particularly to Note No.3 which explains the condition to be observed in respect of persons who have been issued with a Compulsory Testing Notice by the government under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Compulsory Testing for Certain Persons) Regulation (Cap. 599J).

Conditions of Entry to Club Premises

To safeguard and protect the health and safety of all Members, guests and staff, no person will be allowed to access any Club premises if he / she:-

  • has had within 14 days prior to the date of visit any of the common symptoms of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) – such as fever, malaise, dry cough, shortness of breath, nasal congestion, headache, conjunctivitis, sore throat, diarrhea, loss of taste or smell, skin rash or discolouration of fingers or toes.
  • has travelled outside Hong Kong and is currently subject to any quarantine order or self-monitoring requirement issued by the Government. Note 1
  • has been in close contact with any person who has travelled outside Hong Kong and is currently subject to a quarantine order issued by the Government, in particular family members, helpers or drivers.
  • has been in close contact with any person who is a confirmed or preliminary positive case of COVID-19 infection in Hong Kong or overseas within 14 days prior to the date of visit. Note 2
  • lives in a building in which there has been a confirmed or preliminary positive case of COVID-19 within 14 days prior to the date of visit as published by the Centre for Health Protection
  • is required to undergo COVID-19 testing pursuant to a compulsory testing notice or direction (except for compulsory testing required after the end of compulsory quarantine or self-monitoring for persons returning from places outside Hong Kong) and has not been confirmed negative. Note 3

Note 1: Exceptions

  • Fully vaccinated persons who have completed a compulsory quarantine period of 14 days or more may enter Club premises.
  • Fully vaccinated persons who have completed a compulsory quarantine period of less than 14 days may only enter Club premises on the 15th day from the date of return.
  • Fully vaccinated persons who have travelled outside Hong Kong and are only required to undergo self-monitoring upon return (e.g. via Return2HK Scheme) may enter Club premises during the self-monitoring period.

Note 2: “Close contact” generally means having direct physical contact, living in the same household, travelling in the same vehicle or flight, having social contact in close proximity such as dining together. The above examples are not exhaustive. If in doubt, we advise Members to err on the side of caution and refrain from using Club facilities.

Note 3: If the compulsory testing notice requires more than one test, Members and guests cannot access Club premises until the first two tests are returned negative. Thereafter, they may use Club premises except on the day of each subsequent test and until the test is returned negative.

We appreciate your support and cooperation in protecting the health of our Members, guests and Employees.

For further enquiries, please write to us at or call 1812 (9am to 6pm).