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Commencement of Traffic Light at Sha Tin Racecourse Main Entrance (issued Monday, 31 January)

To enhance the traffic safety of Members and Guests entering via the Sha Tin Racecourse Main Entrance, a set of new traffic lights will be implemented to the existing junction that merges traffic from the Tolo Highway and Tai Po Road in late March 2022.

To give our Members and Guests sufficient notice prior to the operation of these Traffic Lights, a set of “Countdown” Signs will be displayed at the Sha Tin Racecourse Main Entrance in late February 2022.  These “Countdown” signs will subsequently be permanently replaced by “Traffic Light in Use” signs.  On Race Days, Members and Guests will continue to be directed and assisted by the HKJC’s traffic wardens stationed near the Racecourse Main Entrance.

We kindly request Members and Guests to note the upcoming changes in traffic arrangement and drive carefully while approaching the Sha Tin Racecourse Main Entrance. Please click <here> for the detail map.

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