
Notice Board
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Update on The Gallop and Fortune Room Operation / Continued Disruption to Normal Services by External Pandemic Situation (issued Friday, 11 February)

We are pleased to inform Members The Gallop restaurant will recommence operation today further to its temporary closure as announced in the Club’s notice dated Monday, 7 February. The employee who was identified as a close contact of a positive case of COVID-19 has returned negative results for his testings; similarly, the other employees who came into contact with him.

In regards Fortune Room, it will remain closed until further notice as there are some employees who reside in areas of transmission.

We would like to assure Members there have been no positive employee cases to date at ALL Clubhouses and Happy Valley Racecourse non-raceday outlet (Moon Koon). The Club continues to maintain the highest level of diligence in checking the health of our employees and tracking the areas which are affected by the outbreak as well as persons issued with Compulsory Testing Notices. Affected employees will not be rostered for work until negative test results are returned.

Given the increasing volatility of the situation, we anticipate that there will be more disruptions to our services. Menu selection may be reduced at our outlets and some outlets may have to cease operation at short notice. In this respect, we will communicate as timely as possible but there could be instances we are unable to do so.

We apologise for any inconvenience arising and deeply appreciate Members’ understanding and support during this challenging period.

For enquiries, please write to us at or call 1812 (9am-6pm).

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