
Notice Board
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Update on Employee Case at Happy Valley Clubhouse (issued Sunday, 13 February)

We would like to update Members that the Six Furlong kitchen employee who was reported as a preliminary positive COVID-19 case in our Notice issued yesterday has since been confirmed as a positive case. The other employees who came into contact with him have all completed testings and we will provide a further update after all their results are returned. Members may refer to this website or the Mobile App for the update.

The employee worked on 9, 10 and 11 February and performed his duties at back of house. Although he did not come into contact with any Members or guests, we advise Members who visited the outlet on the aforesaid dates to go for testings if they are concerned about their health.The outlet premise is currently undergoing deep cleaning and sanitisation works.

For enquiries, please write to us at or call 1812 (9am-6pm).

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