
Notice Board
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Positive Employee Case at Beas River Equestrian Centre (issued Monday, 14 February)

We would like to inform Members that we have today received a report that an employee who works at the Beas River Equestrian Centre in the retraining unit and riding school stables has tested positive for COVID-19. Given his working location, he would not have come in to contact with Members.

The employee concerned was last on duty during Friday, 11 February. The other employees who came into contact with him have been identified and will go for testing. They will not be rostered for work until returning negative results and any direct contacts will be isolated. Although the employee concerned was not in contact with any Members in the course of performing his duties and did not work in the Livery Stables, we advise Members who visited the Equestrian Centre on the aforesaid date to go for testing if they are concerned about their health. All facilities at the Equestrian Centre used by the employee will undergo deep cleaning and sanitisation works.

For enquiries, please write to or call 29661998 (9am-6pm).

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