
Notice Board
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Temporary Closure of Beas River Equestrian Centre (issued Saturday, 19 February)

We would like to inform Members that further to the Notice issued last night, we have today received a second report of an employee at the Beas River Equestrian Centre who tested preliminary positive for COVID-19 via lateral flow testing. His last day of duty was 18 February and his duties included the cleaning of washrooms. He has been sent for further confirmation testing. All remaining employees on premise have been tested this morning and returned negative results.

As a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of our Members and employees, the Equestrian Centre will be closed with immediate effect until further notice to conduct deep cleaning and sanitization works. Select employees will remain on premise to care for the horses and we will notify Members as soon as access can be granted again.

We apologise for the short notice and any inconvenience caused.

For enquiries, please write to or call 2966 1998 (9am-6pm).

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