
Notice Board
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Extension of Closure of All Clubhouses and Non-Race day Restaurants (issued Friday, 25 February)

In due consideration of the worsening COVID-19 pandemic situation, the Club will be extending the closure of the Clubhouses in Happy Valley, Sha Tin and Beas River as well as the Non-Race day restaurants at Happy Valley Racecourse for another two weeks until Sunday, 13 March.

The Club’s unprecedented decision to close the Clubhouses and Racecourse Non-Race day restaurants has not been taken lightly. We are guided by our responsibility to the wellbeing of our Members and employees and our obligation to support the entire Hong Kong community by enacting anti-pandemic measures that restrict movement and thus the spread of the virus.

The prior decision to close all the Clubhouses and the Non-Race day Restaurants from 13 February was made on the basis of our risk assessment of the ever increasing number of confirmed cases in Hong Kong and its impact on the wellbeing of our Members and employees. At the time we had zero confirmed cases amongst Members or employees but in the 2 weeks since closing, 30 membership employees have been infected in the community and 430 employees are unable to work due to isolation requirements. This represents 26% of our catering workforce unable to work and these numbers will likely rise in the coming weeks. With over 30 dining venues across the different properties, our operation is more complex and has a much higher risk exposure.

The decision to extend the closure is again an extremely difficult one as we fully understand Members’ desire to use the facilities, especially when the Club is recognised to provide a much safer environment for dining. Whist all recreation facilities will likely remain closed throughout March and April under Government mandate, it is our intention to recommence limited catering operation as soon as the situation stabilises. Members may be assured we are diligently monitoring the developments on a daily basis with this aim. As a gesture of the Club’s appreciation for Members’ support, we are putting together a goodwill concession, details of which will be announced next week.

Once again, we ask for Members’ support and understanding in overcoming this unprecedented public health crisis.

For enquiries, please write to us at or call 1812 (9am-6pm).