
Notice Board
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Announcement on Members’ Admission Arrangements for Race Meetings in May (issued Wednesday, 27 April)

We are pleased to inform Members the Club has obtained permission from the Government to organise horse racing on 1, 4, 7, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25 and 29 May under certain conditions. The admission arrangements are as follows:

  1. Apart from trainers, jockeys, Club officials and persons essential to the operations of races, Stewards, Voting Members, Owners, Members and their companions who have made advance bookings will be admitted to the racecourses.
  2. All Members and guests entering the racecourses and all catering premises must receive vaccination in accordance with the prevailing Vaccine Pass requirement (click here). They are required to scan the LeaveHomeSafe QR code using the LeaveHomeSafe mobile application and present vaccination record in accordance with the Vaccine Pass requirements when entering the racecourse and each catering premises. In addition, they will have to abide by the Club’s Conditions of Entry and other public health measures, including temperature screening before entry and wearing of face masks during the race meetings.
  3. Any Members or guests who (a) has been tested positive for COVID-19 by COVID-19 nucleic acid test or by rapid antigen test, (b) is currently under home quarantine for being a close contact of a confirmed case or a household member of a close contact, (c) has travelled outside Hong Kong and is currently subject to a compulsory quarantine order, or (d) is required to undergo COVID-19 testing pursuant to a compulsory testing notice or direction (except for compulsory testing required after the end of compulsory quarantine or self-monitoring for persons returning from places outside Hong Kong) and has not been confirmed negative will not be admitted.
  4. To comply with the Government’s conditions, any gathering in the parade ring should not exceed four persons. Furthermore, in line with social distancing rules, a distance of at least 1.5 metres will be maintained between each group gathering.
  5. All trophy presentations and winning photo-taking sessions on the racecourses should comply with the prevailing directions issued by the Secretary for Food and Health specified for places of public entertainment. (Currently, trophy presentations are limited to a maximum of two persons and for winning photo-taking, it is limited to two groups of 4 persons.)
  6. The catering facilities on the racecourses will operate in full compliance with the prevailing directions issued by the Secretary for Food and Health for the catering business, including the scanning of the LeaveHomeSafe QR code of the catering premises and the presentation of vaccination record in accordance with the Vaccine Pass requirements.

Racecourse cross-betting will be available for the race meetings on 1, 4, 7, 15, 22 and 29 May.

We look forward to welcoming Members back to the Racecourses.

For enquiries, please write to us at or call 1812 (9am-6pm).