
Notice Board
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Preliminary Positive Employee Case and Closure of The Rock in Happy Valley New Clubhouse (issued Sunday, 12 June)

We regret to inform Members that we have received a report from an employee of The Rock that his COVID -19 Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) done this afternoon, Sunday, 12 June, has returned positive. As a precautionary measure, The Rock will cease operation with immediate effect from tonight.

The employee concerned was recently on duty in The Rock at Happy Valley New Clubhouse between 8am –1pm and 5pm – 9:05pm on Saturday, 11 June and between 8am – 1pm today, Sunday, 12 June. It should be noted that the employee, who has received three doses of COVID vaccine has taken Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) test with negative results on Saturday, 11 June and Sunday, 12 June before reporting for duty. He is currently under self-isolation at home awaiting for further instructions from the Department of Health.

The employee’s duty was serving tables and he had a mask on at all times. Members who were in close proximity with the staff on 11 and 12 June will be contacted by our Clubhouse team. We advise Members who visited The Rock on the aforesaid dates to go for testing if they are concerned about their health.

The deep cleansing to the outlet will be carried out. Other staff who had direct contact with the employee on 11 June and 12 June will be arranged for the PCR test and self-isolation. They will not be arranged for duty until negative results are returned. We will further apprise Members about the reopening date.

For enquiries, please write to us at or call 1812 (9am-6pm).