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Amendments to Club’s Bye-laws (issued Thursday, 12 January)

The Stewards have recently approved the amendments to the “Ownership Bye-laws” and the “Horse Ballot Bye-laws”, to align with the increased limit on the number of horses an Owner may own at the same time, and the number of Syndicates a Member may join at the same time under the recently amended Rules of Racing and Instructions. A number of housekeeping changes have also been made to the Bye-laws, aligning them with the prevailing terms and conditions as set out in the ownership-related and horse ballot application forms. The Ownership Bye-laws have also been updated to introduce the revamped Trainer Syndicate arrangement.

The amendment will take immediate effect. The updated Bye-laws can be viewed on the Membership website <please click here>, and will also be available for inspection at the Members’ Services Centre at the Club’s headquarters and Clubhouse Concierge desk.  

For more details on Horse Ownership and Horse Ballot, please call Ms Kris Chan on 2966 7540 or Ms Cherry Cheng on 2966 8349 for further enquiries.

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