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Update on the Sports Complex site at The Hilltop in The Valley (issued Thursday, 12 September)

We would like to update you on the Sports Complex site at The Hilltop in The Valley and the current situation regarding its redevelopment.

The Sports Complex site is situated where the Happy Valley stables were formally located. When these were no longer needed following the establishment of Sha Tin Racecourse, the site was rezoned for residential purposes in 1981.

Subsequently the Club decided to use the site for a Sports Complex, for which it obtained a Temporary Recreational Use Permit and a Temporary Building Permit. These were periodically renewed, each time for five years.

In 2018, when the Club applied for a further extension of the permits, the Town Planning Board stated that the Club should expedite the implementation of the zoned use of the site i.e. for residential use. It approved a shorter extension of three years for closer monitoring of the progress of the Club’s redevelopment proposal.

Against this background it became clear to the Club that, to protect the value of the land and its right to develop, it should proceed with a redevelopment plan for residential use. At the same time, mindful of the needs of Members, the Club should also seek to maintain recreational facilities.

The Club has since presented a proposal for a mixed residential and sport complex development to the Town Planning Board and on this basis the temporary permits have been renewed. The current permits will expire in April 2027.

At present, the Club is evaluating redevelopment options and timelines. The current plan is to lease the residential units as opposed to selling them. Any revenue will be contributed back to the community.

As regards the building plans recently approved by the Buildings Department, these are just one possible option. They are primarily intended to establish development parameters and technical constraints for the site. The Club’s plans are by no means finalised and are subject to further study, statutory procedures and approvals.

The Club will keep Members updated as plans for the Sports Complex site take shape.

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