
Notice Board
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Further Relaxation of COVID-19 Measures (issued Friday, 13 May)

We are pleased to inform Members of the following further relaxation of social distancing measures in line with the recent government announcement which will take effect from Thursday, 19 May:

  • Bars will recommence operation, except for The Crest and The Eighth of Happy Valley New Clubhouse and Stirrup Bar of Beas River Country Club;
  • Bars can accommodate maximum of 4 persons per table and will operate at 75% of normal capacity;
  • Restaurants will observe their usual dine-in operating hours;
  • Banqueting events can be organised for up to 120 persons;
  • Wearing of face masks will not be compulsory when exercising in gyms, fitness centres and sports courts.
  • Each Membership account may bring one guest when visiting the swimming pools. For Valley Pool of Happy Valley New Clubhouse, guest is only allowed during 6am – 2pm and 7pm – 10pm on weekdays.

The bookings for the relevant facilities will open at 9am on Monday, 16 May, based on the prevailing policies. For ease of reference, the consolidated details of all the operating venues, timelines and requirements can be found <here>.

For enquiries, please write to us at or call 1812 (9am-6pm).

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