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Direct Route on Racedays to Sha Tin Racecourse Grandstand Car Park (P3) during the Lucky Start Raceday (issued Monday, 30 December)

In anticipation of heavy traffic during the Lucky Start Raceday on 1 January, Members parking in Grandstand Car Park (P3) are encouraged to use the ‘Penfold Park’ entrances from Tolo Highway to access the racecourse. The access routes will be much more direct, with an anticipated time saving of 5 to15 minutes during the peak arrival period.

  • Members driving from Hong Kong / Kowloon / NT West are encouraged to use Exit 12C (signed as ‘Penfold Park’) from the Northbound carriageway of Tolo Highway.
  • Members driving from Tai Po / NT North are encouraged to use Exit 2C (signed as ‘Penfold Park’) from the Southbound carriageway of Tolo Highway

For a detailed illustration of the driving routes, please click <here>. 

Also, to alleviate traffic conditions at Sha Tin Racecourse, the pedestrian crossing between Sha Tin Clubhouse and Multi-level Car Park (P1) will be closed in the following timeslots. Members can use the link bridge on 2/F of the Multi-level Car Park (P1) to go to Sha Tin Racecourse and Sha Tin Clubhouse during the period:

  • 10:45am until Race 2;
  • Race 8 onwards.

For further enquiries, please write to us at or call 1814 (Members) / 1815 (Owners) / 1816 (Voting Members).

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