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Handrail Biodiversity

The main purpose of the handrails around the Lotus Pond is to provide a safety barrier for our children.  However, look more closely and you will be amazed what you will find!  The handrails have also been designed to be a ‘Super Highway’ for caterpillars, bugs, insects and especially our wonderful variety of Jumping Spider species.  All totally harmless so don’t worry, but please do not touch them as they can be easily hurt, and the hairs from the caterpillars can be an irritant to your skin.  All the visitors come from ground, the shrubs, the trees above and the flying insects arrive as their water source is close by.  Life on the handrails is ever changing, but we do have a number of residents that you can often find.  What can you see today?

Click here to view the Fauna species walkin on the rails