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Forest Garden

A place to relax and unwind under the canopy of our mature trees and bamboo.  The temperature is cooler, and the shade offers a perfect environment for birds and butterflies to visit.  Look out for lots of forest bird species, especially the Winter Migrant visitors such as flycatchers, warblers, and thrushes.  When the trees and shrubs are flowering and fruiting, there will be a great diversity of butterflies, insects, beetles, arachnids as well as the many birds visiting.  Can you spot them all?  Look out for the squirrels chasing the birds and storing their nuts too, it’s a joy to watch.

This area contains many shade loving plants including a range of ferns which provide a home for many bugs and insects to thrive.  Look out for sleeping moths and maybe a lizard, skink or jumping spider on the fallen leaves, on the ground, or on the old wooden logs.     And look up to the trees and you could be lucky to find a nesting bird in the various bird boxes we have placed around the trees.  In the morning and afternoon you can see lots of birds feeding, resting and chatting on the branches, and at times the larger raptors are attracted to the branches too, so keep a lookout for the large Crested-serpent Eagle or smaller Sparrowhawk.

Click here to view the Fauna & Flora spotting guide