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There are four main types of Membership of The Hong Kong Jockey Club, namely Racing Membership, Full Membership, The Racing Club Membership and Corporate Membership, with special privileges and services attached to each type.

Mainland Membership is a Membership with Beijing Hong Kong Jockey Club Clubhouse operated by Beijing Hong Kong Jockey Club Clubhouse Limited. Mainland Members are allowed to use certain members’ facilities in Hong Kong under a reciprocal arrangement between the Club and Beijing Clubhouse.

Racing Member

The Club currently has a subscription base of about 9,700 Racing Members.

  • May use the Members' Enclosures at Happy Valley and Sha Tin Racecourses during all race meetings.
  • May use the exclusive boxes in Members' Enclosures at both Racecourses.
  • May purchase admission badges for their guests to use the Members' Enclosures at both Racecourses during all race meetings.
  • May apply for the ownership of racehorses, own and enter racehorses in races under the terms and conditions set forth in the Club's Bye-laws, Rules of Racing and other regulations formulated by the Stewards from time to time.
  • May use all dining facilities and make purchase at LEVADE of Sha Tin Clubhouse during race meetings from two hours before the first race (the opening of the admission gates) until half an hour after the last race.
  • May use The Ladies' Purse of Sha Tin Clubhouse from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. daily.
  • May use Moon Koon Restaurant, Provincial, The Chalk and The Racing Club premises at Happy Valley Racecourse on non-racedays.
  • May use facilities in Beijing Clubhouse under a reciprocal arrangement.
  • May apply for the Concession Scheme(s) for Sha Tin Clubhouse and/or Beas River Country Club.
    • Sha Tin Clubhouse Concession Scheme: Joining the Scheme enables Members to use Sha Tin Clubhouse facilities from Monday to Friday and on all racedays.
    • Beas River Country Club Concession Scheme: Joining the Scheme enables Members to use Beas River Country Club facilities on all days.
      Download Concession Schemes Brochure
      Download Concession Schemes Enrolment Form
    • Essential Information:
      • To ensure a comfort level for Members, an enrolment ceiling will apply for each Scheme. This means that all enrolments are subject to availability.
      • Each enrolment is valid for 12 consecutive months following the date of the successful enrolment.
      • The relevant joining fee will be charged to the successful applicant's Membership account and is non-refundable under any circumstances.
      • The Club reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of the Schemes at any time.
  • May apply for Supplementary Cards for his or her spouse and unmarried children between the age of 8 and 21 under the Supplementary Card Scheme. Supplementary Cards for children are subject to payment of a non-refundable annual fee.
  • The above privileges are subject to revision by the Stewards from time to time.
 Entrance FeeMonthly Subscription
Racing Membership HK$180,000 HK$950
 Annual Joining FeeMonthly Subscription
Sha Tin Clubhouse Concession Scheme HK$24,000* -
Beas River Country Club Concession Scheme HK$23,000 -

*Effective from 1 August 2024

  • Elected Members must pay the prevailing Entrance Fee for admission to Membership and the monthly subscriptions for continued enjoyment of Members’ facilities and privileges. 
  • Entrance Fees and monthly subscriptions are subject to review by the Stewards from time to time.  The Entrance Fee payable by an elected Member will be the fee applicable at the time of election to Membership, and not the fee at the time of submitting the application form.
  • Terms and conditions, including any fee, for the Concession Schemes are subject to review from Stewards from time to time.
  • All paid fees and charges are non-refundable.
  • Please click here to view the latest rate card.
How to Become a Racing Member of The Jockey Club?
  • Each candidate for Racing Membership must be proposed by a resident Honorary Steward, Honorary Voting Member or Voting Member of the Club. The application forms for Racing Membership are available from them.
    Please click here to view the latest list of Honorary Stewards, Honorary Voting Members and Voting Members of the Club.
  • The application must be seconded by another resident Honorary Steward, Honorary Voting Member or Voting Member of the Club, and supported by three other Club Members.
  • Proposers, Seconders and Supporting Members must know their candidates well and be satisfied that the candidates are persons of integrity before agreeing to sponsor their candidates.
  • Election to Membership is in the absolute discretion of the Stewards who may reject the application without being obliged to provide any reason or explanation.
  • For further details, please contact us on 1812 or email to


Full Member

The Club currently has a subscription base of about 16,400 Full Members.

  • Enjoy the same privileges as a Racing Members.
  • In addition, may use all the facilities at Happy Valley Clubhouse, Sha Tin Clubhouse and Beas River Country Club at all times.
  • May use facilities in Beijing Clubhouse under a reciprocal arrangement.
  • Eligible spouse of a Full Member may apply for Full Membership (s) in his / her own right. Full Member (S) is entitled to the same privileges offered to a Full Member.
  • May apply for Supplementary Cards for his or her spouse and/or unmarried children between the ages of 8 and 21 to enable him or her to use the Club’s facilities on the account of the Member under the Supplementary Card Scheme. Supplementary cards for children are subject to payment of a non-refundable annual fee. More details
 Entrance FeeQualification FeeMonthly Subscription
Full Membership HK$950,000* - HK$2,800
From Racing to
Full Membership
- Prevailing Full Membership entrance fee minus the Racing Membership entrance fee that the candidate had paid
Full Membership (S) HK$475,000* An eligible spouse of a Full Member HK$950

*Effective from 1 August 2024

  • Elected Members must pay the prevailing Entrance Fee for admission to Membership and the monthly subscriptions for continued enjoyment of members’ facilities and privileges.
  • Entrance Fee and monthly subscriptions are subject to review by the Stewards from time to time. The Entrance Fee payable by an elected Member will be the fee applicable at the time of election to Membership, and not the fee at the time of submitting the application form.
  • All paid fees and charges are non-refundable
  • Please click here to view the latest rate card.
How to Become a Full Member of The Jockey Club?
  • Application for Full Membership
    Candidates who are not Racing Members must complete the Racing Membership Application Form as well as the Full Membership Application Form. The Forms should be submitted to the Club together.
  • From Racing Membership to Full Membership
    A Racing Member who wishes to become a Full Member must complete the Full Membership Application Form.
  • Full Membership Application Forms are available from resident Honorary Stewards, Honorary Voting Members (O) or Voting Members of the Club.
    Please click here to view the latest list of Honorary Stewards, Honorary Voting Members and Voting Members of the Club.
  • Election to membership is in the absolute discretion of the Stewards who may reject the application without being obliged to provide any reason or explanation.
  • • For further details, please contact us on 1812 or email to
The Racing Club Member
  • Opportunity to experience horse ownership through the Club Horse(s). Members will have the opportunity to experience the hands-on excitement of horse ownership through the Club Horse(s), including participation in the horse naming process, stable visits, and enjoying the victorious moments as a member of the winning connections when Club Horse(s) wins.
  • Enjoy unique racing experiences and get to know the racing community not just inside the racecourse, but outside and beyond, by joining racing programmes designed for Racing Club Members. Gain exclusive insights into racing through joining behind-the-scenes programmes, mingling with racing experts and going on tours to international racecourses.*
  • Explore every aspect of life by joining various lifestyle programmes offered to members ranging from football and sports programmes, prestigious branded events and assorted leisure activities.*
  • Join a community of like-minded racing enthusiasts with friendships that go beyond the racetrack.*
  • Get the chance to be on a path towards Racing Membership – The Board of Directors of The Racing Club may nominate Racing Club Members whom they consider suitable to apply for Racing Membership of HKJC (such application is subject to the approval of the Stewards of HKJC in their absolute discretion).
  • Exclusive access to The Racing Club premises at Happy Valley and Sha Tin Racecourses. Access to facilities at The Hong Kong Jockey Club’s Beijing Clubhouse including reservation of guest rooms for the Members and their esteemed guests (subject to the agreement with Beijing Clubhouse from time to time).
  • Enjoy access to the Beas River Country Club from Mondays to Fridays by joining the Beas River Country Club Concession Scheme.

*Enrolment in the above-mentioned programmes is subject to availability and the terms and conditions applicable to the relevant programme.

How to Become a Member of The Racing Club?
  • The Racing Club is a place for the true racing enthusiasts.
  • Unlike Racing Membership and Full Membership, there is no requirement for nomination by Voting Members or support from Club Members for The Racing Club Membership.
  • Upon submission of The Racing Club Member Application Form, a selection process involving personal vetting, financial assessment and a panel interview will be carried out to evaluate membership suitability.
  • The candidate will successfully become a Racing Club Member upon approval of The Board of Directors of The Racing Club. Election to membership is in the absolute discretion of the Board of Directors which may reject the application without being obliged to provide any reason or explanation.
  • For further details, please visit The Racing Club website or contact us on 2966 7738.
Mainland Member (Membership of Beijing Hong Kong Jockey Club Clubhouse)
Mainland Membership is a Membership with Beijing Hong Kong Jockey Club Clubhouse operated by Beijing Hong Kong Jockey Club Clubhouse Limited. This Membership is for the select group of individuals who wish to enjoy the world-class facilities of the remarkable Beijing Clubhouse. Mainland Members are allowed to use certain Members’ facilities in Hong Kong under a reciprocal arrangement between the Club and Beijing Clubhouse.
Individual Membership
Entrance FeeMonthly SubscriptionMembers' Privileges
RMB600,000 RMB2,000
  • Use of facilities at Beijing Clubhouse
  • Use of Members’ facilities of The Hong Kong Jockey Club in Hong Kong under a reciprocal arrangement:
    • Clubhouses – 36 days per calendar year (with up to 7 days per calendar month), except that there shall be no access to The Hilltop in The Valley on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays in Hong Kong
    • Racecourses: Full use throughout the Racing Season
    • Individual Members, who are also eligible horse owners of HKJC, are entitled to additional usage of the facilities

  • Elected Members must pay the prevailing entrance fee for admission to Membership and the monthly subscriptions for continued enjoyment of Members’ facilities and privileges.
  • Entrance fee and monthly subscriptions are subject to review by the Board of Directors of Beijing Clubhouse from time to time. The entrance fee payable by an elected Member will be the fee applicable at the time of submitting the application form.
  • The reciprocal arrangement with The Hong Kong Jockey Club is subject to review from time to time.
  • All paid fees and charges are non-refundable.

  • (Effective from 1 January 2024)
How to Become an Individual Mainland Member of Beijing Hong Kong Jockey Club Clubhouse
Interested persons may contact Beijing Clubhouse to obtain an application form. Admission to Membership is at the absolute discretion of the Board of Directors of Beijing Clubhouse.

Beijing Clubhouse
Tel: (86 10) 5911 8821
Corporate Membership
There are three schemes of Corporate Membership for Beijing Clubhouse:

CategoryNumber of Registered NomineeEntrance Fee Monthly Subscription Members' Privileges
Type A Three Nominees RMB1,800,000 RMB6,000
  • Use of facilities at Beijing Clubhouse
  • Use of Members’ facilities of The Hong Kong Jockey Club in Hong Kong under a reciprocal arrangement:
    • Clubhouses – 36 days per calendar year (with up to 7 days per calendar month), except that there shall be no access to The Hilltop in The Valley on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays in Hong Kong
    • Racecourses: Full use throughout the Racing Season
Type B Two Nominees RMB1,300,000 RMB4,000
Type C One Nominee RMB700,000 RMB2,000

  • Elected Members must pay the prevailing entrance fee for admission to Membership and the monthly subscriptions for continued enjoyment of Members’ facilities and privileges.
  • Entrance fee and monthly subscriptions are subject to review by the Board of Directors of Beijing Clubhouse from time to time. The entrance fee payable by an elected Member will be the fee applicable at the time of submitting the application form.
  • The reciprocal arrangement with The Hong Kong Jockey Club is subject to review from time to time.
  • All paid fees and charges are non-refundable.

  • (Effective from 1 January 2024)
How to Become a Corporate Mainland Member of Beijing Clubhouse?
By invitation only. Any corporation or organisation may contact Beijing Clubhouse to indicate its interest in becoming a Mainland Corporate Member, and may be required to submit supporting information and documents for consideration.

Whether an invitation to Membership will be extended and election to Membership is at the absolute discretion of the Board of Directors of Beijing Clubhouse.

Beijing Clubhouse
Tel: (86 10) 5911 8821
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Corporate Membership Scheme
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Corporate Membership Scheme offers multinational corporations and professional firms the special privilege to extend racing and private club facilities to their local senior executives with banqueting and event services for certain corporate social and recreational functions.
  • A corporation, firm or organisation holding a Corporate Membership is entitled to register one Corporate Nominee, who will enjoy the same privileges as those of the Club's individual Full Members in using Members’ racing and dining facilities at the Racecourses and leisure facilities and amenities at the clubhouses and may also use the facilities in Beijing Clubhouse subject to the reciprocal arrangement between the Club and the Beijing Clubhouse.
  • A Corporate Member may pass on privileges of Membership from one full-time employee to another by changing the nominee, such as in cases of change in personnel or relocation of the existing nominee. Registration or transfer of nominee is subject to the approval of the Stewards in their absolute discretion.
  • The Corporate Nominee may apply for Supplementary Cards for his or her spouse and unmarried children between the ages of 8 and 21 to use the Members’ facilities on the account of the Corporate Nominee under the Supplementary Card Scheme. Supplementary cards for children are subject to payment of a non-refundable annual fee.

A Corporate Member may also, in its corporate identity, apply to use designated function venues of the Club as set out in the Members’ Facilities Directory for certain non-commercial corporate social and recreational functions, e.g. annual staff party and staff spring dinner.

  • Such use is subject to the approval of the Club in its absolute discretion, the standard venue terms and conditions of the Club, and any other conditions as the Club may impose from time to time.
  • Details of the privileges and the terms and conditions of use are set out in the Corporate Members’ Bye-laws and the House Rules, which are subject to revision by the Stewards from time to time.
Duration of Nomineeship
Two types of Corporate Membership Schemes are available. Under both Schemes, a Corporate Member can nominate one full-time employee who is ordinarily resident in Hong Kong as the Nominee. The difference between the two Schemes is the period of nomineeship of the Corporate Nominee.

Scheme A Membership Each nomineeship shall last for a maximum period of 36 months, after which the Corporate Member needs to register a different Member of staff as the Nominee.
Scheme B Membership The Registered Nominee may retain the nomineeship until he or she is replaced by the Corporate Member or removed by the Club in accordance with the Club’s Articles of Association and the prevailing Bye-laws.
 Entrance FeeMonthly Subscription
Scheme A Membership HK$3,000,000 HK$2,800*
Scheme B Membership HK$5,200,000 HK$2,800*

*Effective from 1 October 2023

  • Elected Members must pay the prevailing Entrance Fee for admission to Membership and the monthly subscriptions for continued enjoyment of Members’ facilities and privileges.
  • Entrance Fee and monthly subscriptions are subject to review by the Stewards from time to time. The Entrance Fee payable by an elected Member will be the fee applicable at the time of election to Membership, and not the fee at the time of submitting the application form.
  • All paid fees and charges are non-refundable
How to Become a Corporate Member of The Jockey Club?
The Jockey Club's Corporate Membership is by invitation only. For further details, please contact us on 2966 5182 or email to