
Driving and Parking
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Sha Tin Clubhouse

6001, Tai Po Road, Sha Tin

Space Available
*Sha Tin Raceday parking rules apply 〈Click Here〉
Last Updated 11:14 am
Sha Tin Clubhouse Car Park (P2)*
Sha Tin Racecourse Multi-Level Car Park (P1)*


All days:

  • Car park operating hours: 6:30am to 12:00midnight
  • Members or Supplementary Cardholders with valid RFID car park displayed on the windscreen labels may park their vehicles in the car park, subject to space availability. 
  • Only one RFID car park label per Membership account can be used to access the Club’s premises at any time.
  • Membership card cannot be used for admission to the car park.
  • The car park may only be used coextensively with the use of Club facilities. Free parking is limited to five hours per visit with a valid RFID car park label displayed on the windscreen. Members or Supplementary Cardholders having parked beyond this limit may have extended parking hours validated based on proof of use of Club facilities during that period. Otherwise, an overtime parking charge of HK$100 per hour and up to HK$500 per visit per day will be charged.
  • No taxi, public omnibus, public light bus, coach, trailer, goods vehicle or other commercial vehicle is permitted to use the car park, unless permitted by the Stewards or their delegate.
  • No vehicle with any company logo or advertisement is permitted to use the car park, unless permitted by the Stewards or their delegate. 
  • No overnight parking is allowed, unless permitted by the Stewards or their delegate.
  • Parking exceeding eligible parking hours will be charged at HK$100 per hour and up to HK$500 per visit per day.
  • Vehicles parked beyond eligible parking hours or in breach of any parking rules or conditions may be impounded or removed. 
    Prevailing statutory rates will be charged for recovery of vehicles:
    • Impounding Charge: HK$320
    • Removal Charge: HK$350
  • HK$200 will be charged for each lost parking ticket.
  • HK$150 will be charged for each lost RFID car park label.
  • A number of parking spaces are reserved for Stewards and Voting Members.
  • Disabled parking spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis to vehicles driven by holders of a Disabled Person's Parking Permit or Parking Certificate for Drivers Who Carry People with Mobility Disabilities issued by the Transport Department in respect of that vehicle and in accordance with the conditions or restrictions of such permit or certificate.
  • The Club will not accept any responsibility for the liability or damage to or loss of any vehicle or property therein, whilst on the premises of the Club.
  • Use of the car park is subject to the Parking and Access Bye-laws as well as any restrictions and conditions of use issued by the Club.


  • During Sha Tin race meetings, P2 Sha Tin Clubhouse Car Park is only available for Stewards, Honorary Stewards, Voting Members, Honorary Voting Members and other holders of valid raceday car park label. For day race meetings or night race meetings, parking is available from two and a half hours before the first race until half an hour after the last race. For twilight race meetings, parking is available from 2:30 pm until 10:00 pm.
  • Vehicles without valid raceday car park labels must leave the car park two and a half hours before the first race starts. Vehicles with valid RFID car park labels may park after 2:15 pm for day race meetings, after 5:15 pm for twilight race meetings, or after 8:15 pm for night race meetings, subject to space availability.
  • During Sha Tin race meetings, the EV charging services will be complimentary and on a first-come first-served basis for Members holding a valid raceday car park label or electronic QR code, from two and a half hours before the first race until half an hour after the last race on day race meetings or night race meetings at the P2 Sha Tin Clubhouse Car Park and the P1 Sha Tin Racecourse Multi-level Car Park. Members shall comply with the applicable Guidelines on Use of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. For Sha Tin twilight race meetings, charging services is complimentary from 2:30 pm until 9:30 pm at the P2 Sha Tin Clubhouse Car Park and the P1 Sha Tin Racecourse Multi-level Car Park. Members are required to activate the EV charger with the Principal Membership Card or the Spouse Supplementary Card when using the EV Charging Station.

Non-Racedays and cross-betting days:

  • Members or Supplementary Cardholders with valid RFID car park labels displayed on the windscreen may park their vehicles at the car park, subject to space availability.
  • Parking for invited guests, Members or Supplementary Cardholders without a valid RFID car park label is available at a designated parking zone at the P1 Multi-Level Car Park. Guest parking tickets will be issued and must be validated at the restaurants and bars / leisure facility visited or at the Concierge in the presence of the Host Member or Supplementary Cardholder and based on proof of using Club facilities. Otherwise, an overtime parking fee of HK$100 per hour and up to HK$500 per visit per day will be charged, which can be settled by Octopus or credit card.
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Stations are available at P2 Sha Tin Clubhouse Car Park C14 & C15.
  • Use of the EV Charging Station is subject to payment of a fee and on a first-come-first-served basis. Members shall comply with the applicable Guidelines on Use of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. The EV Charging Stations may only be used by Members co-extensively with the use of Club facilities. A valid RFID car park label must be displayed on the windscreen of the registered EV. Each Membership account may use the EV Charging Station for a maximum of 3 hours per day per location. The P2 Sha Tin Clubhouse Car Park and the P1 Sha Tin Racecourse Multi-level Car Park is considered as one location. Members are required to activate the EV charger with the Principal Membership Card or the Spouse Supplementary Card when using the EV Charging Station.
  • After successful authentication and use of the charging service, a charging service fee at HK$30 per 30 minutes will be charged to the Membership card account used for activating the EV Charging Station. The Charging Service Fee will stop accumulating once charging is complete or the EV is deactivated from the EV charging station.
  • The charging service fee is calculated in 30-minute intervals and no refund will be made for early deactivation with the 30-minute interval.
  • Unoccupied Electric Vehicle Charging Stations may be released by the Club for parking of non-electric vehicles when the car park is full.

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