
Points to Observe
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Rules for Using Clubhouse Facilities
Rules For Using Members' Facilities

Tropical Cyclone Warning Signals and Extreme Conditions

Our Clubhouse facilities will be closed when a Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above is in force. They will reopen within two hours when the signal is lowered and no “extreme condition” announcement is issued by the government. All facilities will remain closed for the day if a Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above, or “extreme condition”, remains in force by 5:00 pm.

  • Observe all Bye-laws, Rules and instructions of Club’s staff
  • Respect fellow users of Members’ facilities and Club’s staff
  • Present Membership Cards when using the Members’ facilities upon check in
  • Wear Racing Badges when attending or using facilities of the Members’ Enclosures at race meetings
  • Handle the Club's property and equipment with care
  • Always accompany your children and guests
Please do not
  • Tip or provide gratuities to Club’s staff (please refer to Point 22 under Rules For Using Members’ Facilities)
  • Allow any third party to use your Membership Card or non-transferrable Racing Badge
  • Abuse or remove the Club's supplies
  • Park your car overnight on the Club's premises
  • Use foul language or behave in an unruly manner on the Club's premises

Rules For Using Members' Facilities
  1. The Rules of the Club concerning Membership and use of the Club’s facilities are fully set out in the Club’s Articles of Association, Bye-laws and this Members' Facilities Directory. Copies of which such Rules are available on the Club’s official website. The making, alteration and amendment of any Bye-laws and facility guidelines shall be effected by displaying a notice on the Club’s Notice Boards.
  2. Members, Supplementary Cardholders and their guests must observe the Laws of Hong Kong (including but not limited to any public health, gaming and gambling, and national safety laws and regulations) and all the Rules of the Club at all times while they are within the premises of the Club. Betting activities may only be conducted through channels authorised by the Club.
  3. Members and Supplementary Cardholders must present their Membership Cards upon entering any Members’ Facilities, or when attending Members’ programmes or events.
  4. Members and Supplementary Cardholders should not leave their guests (including immediate family members without supplementary cards) or children under the age of 12 unaccompanied at any Members' Facilities and they are responsible for the conduct of their guests.
  5. Members shall ensure that when using any facility, Supplementary Cardholders and their guests must observe the users’ etiquette for such facility as set out in the Directory and other conditions or points to note as posted in the relevant facility.
  6. All Members’ Facilities have specific restrictions on guest access to the facilities, especially during the months of July and August, as well as on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
  7. All electronic communication devices including mobile phones must be set to silent or vibration mode at all times in any Members' Facilities and must not emit any sound or noise. No voice calls or recording of voice messages is allowed, except in a Chalet, private room or function room reserved for the exclusive use of the particular Member and his guests, and in changing rooms, washrooms, LEVADE, in car parks and any area that is outside the interior of a restaurant, bar, leisure or other facilities, provided a low volume must be maintained, causing no disturbance and respecting the relaxation and enjoyment of other users of the Facility.
  8. Photos, videos or recordings may be taken at Members’ Facilities, except any washroom, changing room, sauna and steam room, massage room, gyms, and swimming pool. Such photos, videos or recordings may only be used for personal and private purposes. No person may conduct any live broadcast or live streaming within any Members’ Facilities unless otherwise permitted by the Club.
  9. The photos or recordings taken shall not be used for any commercial purposes, or be passed onto any third party for such purposes. Unless with the prior written approval of the Club, no commercial shooting, use of professional cameras or recording equipment, or use of covert cameras or other similar filming or recording device is allowed.
  10. No photographs, videos or audio recordings of other persons may be taken on the Club’s premises without their consent. Photography or filming shall not cause any nuisance to or infringe the privacy of other persons.
  11. The Club reserves the right to refuse entry of Members, Supplementary Cardholders or their guests who have not met the dress code of specific Members’ Facilities. Please take note and observe the dress code of respective restaurants, bars, leisure or other facilities.
  12. No self-brought food and beverages are allowed at any Members’ Facilities without prior approval from the Club.
  13. Members, Supplementary Cardholders and their guests should maintain courtesy towards other users and Club staff, take care of the facilities and properties, and respect others’ equal right to enjoy the facilities.
  14. Smoking (including electronic cigarettes) is not permitted except in the designated smoking areas.
  15. No pets are allowed on any of the premises except dogs at Stables Café in Happy Valley New Clubhouse and at the Members' Garden in Beas River Country Club (subject to the terms and conditions of use as prescribed by the Club).
  16. Guide dogs for the visually impaired are allowed on the premises of the Club, provided that prior notification of the intended visit is given to the Club so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
  17. Except with the prior written approval of the Club, no Member or Supplementary Cardholder shall conduct any commercial, political, religious or fundraising activity on the premises of the Club.
  18. No fees shall be charged by a Member or a Supplementary Cardholder for admission to any function held on any premises of the Club. Commercial promotion or publicity of a private function is prohibited.
  19. Members, Supplementary Cardholders and their guests entering the premises of the Club, using any facility of the Club or participating in any activity organised by the Club do so at their own risk. The Club does not accept any liability or responsibility for any death or bodily injury howsoever sustained by any Member, Supplementary Cardholders or their guests, unless and to the extent it is established that such death or injury is caused by the negligence of the Club or its staff.
  20. Any property brought onto the premises of the Club by Members, Supplementary Cardholders or their guests shall remain at all times at the entire risk of the individual. The Club shall be under no liability or responsibility for any loss, injury or damage, howsoever caused, to such property, notwithstanding that such property shall have been entrusted to any Club’s staff or placed in any locker provided by the Club.
  21. Members shall be responsible for any loss or damage caused by them, their Supplementary Cardholders or their guests to any facility or property of the Club or to the property of any third party, as well as any death or personal injury caused by them, their Supplementary Cardholders or their guests to other individuals in the premises of the Club. In case of any loss or damage to the facilities or property of the Club, the Club shall be entitled to charge such costs of replacement or repair to the account of the Member.
  22. Members shall indemnify the Club against all liability for or in respect of any injury to or death of any person or any loss of or damage to property arising out of or in connection with any acts or omissions of the Member or their Supplementary Cardholders or their guests.
  23. The Club is a public body under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance and has in place a clear policy on acceptance of advantages by Club staff. Offering or giving of advantages such as tips, rewards, gifts, favours, loans, fees, or commissions to Club staff is strictly prohibited except in the following circumstances:
    • A voluntary contribution to a yearly Gratuity Fund around the time of the Chinese New Year which will be distributed to designated Membership Catering and Service staff;
    • Giving of lai sees or red packets to Club staff is subject to the relevant departmental policy. In this regard, all Club staff working at Clubhouses and Racecourses are permitted to accept and keep lai see valued at HKD/RMD 500 or below given by each Member or guest per occasion within the first 15 days of Chinese New Year. Any excess amount is required to be surrendered in accordance with the relevant departmental policy;
    • Giving of gratuities to certain racing staff and apprentice jockeys in accordance with the provisions in the Owners' Handbook and the Rules of Racing.
    Offering or giving any advantage to Club staff, other than in circumstances as set out above or otherwise with prior approval of the Club, may constitute a criminal offence. Members who offered or gave advantages to Club staff in contravention Club policy may also be subject to disciplinary proceedings.
  24. Members or Supplementary Cardholders who have grounds for complaint against other user of a facility or Club staff or who wish to suggest improvements shall refer the matter in writing to the Manager to the relevant facility. Direct confrontation with other users should be avoided and no person shall reprimand Club staff.
  25. Members and other users of Club facilities are expected to maintain proper decorum and respect. In no circumstances should any person subject another user of the facility or Club staff to abuse or otherwise behave in a manner that is abusive, intimidating, offensive or inappropriate.
  26. Club staff are instructed to report infringement of any Rules of the Club to the relevant Facility Manager. The Facility Manager or his delegate shall have the power to request any person to leave the relevant Facility if his conduct in the opinion of the Manager or his delegate causes disturbance to other users of the Facility.
  27. Complaints or reports of infringement of the Rules of the Club and misbehaviours will be forwarded to the relevant Facility Manager.
  28. A Member who is alleged to be in breach of the Rules of the Club or have committed misconduct may be served with a notice under Article 37 of the Club’s Articles of Association requesting him to provide written explanation within a specified time. Upon considering the Member's written representations, the case may be referred to a Conduct Review Panel or a Disciplinary Committee for disciplinary action under the Articles of Association and the Members’ Disciplinary Bye-laws.
  29. If any Supplementary Cardholder or other permitted user is in violation of the Rules of the Club, his right to use Members' Facilities may be suspended or revoked.
  30. The Principal Member is responsible for the actions of his Supplementary Cardholders and guests and may be subject to disciplinary actions for misconduct committed by the persons using the Members' Facilities on his account.


The Club retains the sole and all rights to make any decision relating to any activity and its content (including but not limited to venue, date or time, performance or other activities, entry requirements, gift, discount or other offerings) advertised, described or otherwise contained in any material, and may cancel, postpone or modify the content of any activity or amend the relevant terms and conditions, at any time without notice, and without liability for refund, compensation or otherwise.

  • Register at the reception counter by presenting your Membership Card before entry
  • Store belongings in your locker
  • Keep the changing room tidy and floor dry
  • Respect other users' equal right to enjoy the facility
  • Place a clean, dry towel on the rest bed and sleep pod
  • Speak softly and keep conversations brief inside Quiet Areas
  • Wrap phlegm with a tissue and flush it down the toilet
  • Dispose of used shower caps, razors, cotton buds etc. in the rubbish bin
  • Return all the Club-provided towels, floor mats and slippers to the collection baskets after use
Please avoid
  • Using photographic devices
  • Doing exercise
  • Littering
  • Cutting nails
  • Shaving, urinating and defecating in the shower
  • Applying masks
  • Applying strong scents
  • Cutting, dyeing or chemically treating hair
  • Smoking (including electronic cigarettes), eating or drinking (except water provided by the Club)
  • Using loud, foul or abusive language
  • Using towels as floor mats or to clean shoes
  • Placing shoes on changing room benches
  • Using hair-dryers or hand-dryers on other body parts or personal belongings
  • Abusing or removing the Club's supplies
  • Leaving your belongings unattended
  • Reserving unoccupied rest beds and sleep pods with towels or personal belongings
  • Using shoe polish
  • Allowing children over one metre in height or aged 6 or above to enter the changing room of the opposite sex
  • Occupying a shower cubicle or changing cubicle with two or more persons unless a parent, guardian or designated carer is rendering assistance to a child or an adult who is unable to care for himself / herself
  • Conversing inside Silent Areas
  • Using personal electronic equipment such as mobile phones, music devices or speakers to play sound without headphones
  • Register at the reception counter by presenting your Membership Card before entry
  • Wear Sportswear or Casual (only Sportswear at the Valley Gym), and shoes with non-marking soles
  • Book the cardiovascular equipment at the reception counter at Beas River Country Club before use
  • Use the equipment according to the instructions of the Gym / Exercise Room staff
  • Take proper care of the Gym / Exercise Room’s equipment
  • Use safety collars when using barbells
  • Lower dumbbells and weight-plates gently (except weight lifting platform at Valley Gym)
  • Be considerate to other users and respect their equal right to use the equipment. Vacate the equipment if you intend to rest for longer than one minute or if you intend to stop exercising to access your mobile device
  • Wipe the equipment with the towels provided after use
  • Return weights, accessories and magazines to their proper locations after use
  • Keep your voice low
Please avoid
  • Entering the Studios in the Valley Gym when there are no group classes or private classes (except MindBody Studio where yoga, stretching and body weight exercises may be practiced when there are no group classes or private classes taking place)
  • Using photographic devices
  • Reserving more than one piece of exercise equipment at a time
  • Engaging in shadow boxing (except at Valley Gym in the area around the boxing ring), jumping, ball games, or any contact sport (except under the supervision of the Club-appointed trainer)
  • Taking off your shoes, except in the personal training, group training and areas for the purpose of stretching, yoga, pilates, gyrontonics, boxing or kickboxing activities or in specific zones under the supervision of a personal trainer or instructor (socks must remain on at all times, except when engaged in boxing or kickboxing related activities, stretching, yoga, pilates, gyrontonics or group training in the presence of a personal trainer or instructor)
  • "Roughhousing"
  • Misusing or damaging the equipment
  • Exercising under the influence of alcohol
  • Exercising when ill or suffering from a contagious disease
  • Engaging the services of coaches other than the Club-appointed coaches
  • Smoking (including electronic cigarettes), spitting, littering, eating or drinking (except water and sports drinks)
  • Bringing bags into the Gym / Exercise Room
  • Removing gym equipment, magazines and towels from the Gym / Exercise Room
  • Conversing on mobile devices
  • Using personal electronic equipment such as mobile phones, music devices or speakers to play sound without headphones
  • Register at the reception counter by presenting your Membership Card before entry
  • Wear Sportswear or Casual (only Sportswear at the Valley Gym), and shoes with non-marking soles
  • Book the cardiovascular equipment at the reception counter at Beas River Country Club before use
  • Use the equipment according to the instructions of the Gym / Exercise Room staff
  • Take proper care of the Gym / Exercise Room’s equipment
  • Use safety collars when using barbells
  • Lower dumbbells and weight-plates gently (except weight lifting platform at Valley Gym)
  • Be considerate to other users and respect their equal right to use the equipment. Vacate the equipment if you intend to rest for longer than one minute or if you intend to stop exercising to access your mobile device
  • Wipe the equipment with the towels provided after use
  • Return weights, accessories and magazines to their proper locations after use
  • Keep your voice low
Please avoid
  • Using photographic devices
  • Reserving more than one piece of exercise equipment at a time
  • Engaging in shadow boxing (except at Valley Gym in the area around the boxing ring), jumping, ball games, or any contact sport (except under the supervision of the Club-appointed trainer)
  • Taking off your shoes, except in the personal training, group training and areas for the purpose of stretching, yoga, pilates, gyrontonics, boxing or kickboxing activities or in specific zones under the supervision of a personal trainer or instructor (socks must remain on at all times, except when engaged in boxing or kickboxing related activities, stretching, yoga, pilates, gyrontonics or group training in the presence of a personal trainer or instructor)
  • "Roughhousing"
  • Misusing or damaging the equipment
  • Exercising under the influence of alcohol
  • Exercising when ill or suffering from a contagious disease
  • Engaging the services of coaches other than the Club-appointed coaches
  • Smoking (including electronic cigarettes), spitting, littering, eating or drinking (except water and sports drinks)
  • Bringing bags into the Gym / Exercise Room
  • Removing gym equipment, magazines and towels from the Gym / Exercise Room
  • Conversing on mobile devices
  • Using personal electronic equipment such as mobile phones, music devices or speakers to play sound without headphones
  • Use the foot bath and shower before entering the pool
  • Keep your personal belongings in a locker located in the changing room
  • Follow instructions given by Club's staff and lifeguards
  • Seek prior approval from a medical practitioner if suffering from a medical condition
  • Ensure that babies wear waterproof diapers at all times (Pools)
  • Use the diaper changing facilities provided by the Club when changing babies' diapers
  • Ensure that children use the washrooms provided
  • Wrap phlegm with a tissue and put it in the rubbish bin
Please avoid
  • Using photographic devices or using any mobile devices for video taking or photo taking
  • Entering the pool if you suffer from a contagious disease, a cut or an abrasion
  • Dressing or undressing in the pool environs
  • Smoking (including electronic cigarettes), spitting or littering
  • Eating or drinking (The Hilltop in The Valley, Sha Tin Clubhouse) (except water provided by the Club)
  • Bringing glassware into the pool environs
  • Running, pushing, "roughhousing" or making "splash bombs"
  • Diving in depth less than one and a half metres (except coaching)
  • Jumping into the pool (except from diving boards)
  • Using flotation aids except with the permission of the lifeguards
  • Using lilos, water guns, beach balls or other balls in the Main Pool (The Hilltop in The Valley, Sha Tin Clubhouse and Beas River Country Club), Indoor Side Pools (Happy Valley Old Clubhouse and Sha Tin Clubhouse) and Outdoor Pool (Happy Valley Old Clubhouse). Water guns are permitted at the Happy Valley Old Clubhouse Outdoor Pool and at the Beas River Country Club Fun Pool (under the supervision of a parent or a guardian)
  • Using flippers, snorkels, swimming paddles or full face masks (except coaching)
  • Engaging the services of swimming coaches other than the Club-appointed coaches
  • Wearing shoes around the pool environs (only the Club-provided slippers are permitted)
  • Reserving unoccupied family changing rooms with towels and personal belongings
  • Conversing on mobile devices
  • Using personal electronic equipment such as mobile phones, music devices or speakers to play sound without headphones
  • Arrive at least 10 minutes ahead of your booking time
  • Register at the reception counter by presenting your Membership Card before entry
  • Stay behind the yellow safety strip when not playing
  • Use only clean golf clubs to prevent transfer of dirt onto the golf balls and the simulator screen
  • Take proper care of the simulators and the Club equipment
  • Vacate the simulators as soon as your session has ended
Please avoid
  • Eating or drinking
  • Engaging the services of coaches other than the Club-appointed coaches
  • Using golf balls other than those provided by the Club
  • Using loud, foul or abusive language or engaging in any form of behaviour that may cause offence to others
  • Conversing on mobile devices
  • Using personal electronic equipment such as mobile phones, music devices or speakers to play sound without headphones
  • Arrive at least 10 minutes ahead of your booking time
  • Register at the reception counter by presenting your Membership Card before entry
  • Only chip from the fringe up the slope
  • Take proper care of the short game area and the Club equipment
  • Vacate the area as soon as your session has ended
Please avoid
  • Eating or drinking
  • Chipping in the direction of other players
  • Hitting lob shots or full shots
  • Engaging the services of coaches other than the Club-appointed coaches
  • Using loud, foul or abusive language or engaging in any form of behaviour that may cause offence to others
  • Conversing on mobile devices
  • Using personal electronic equipment such as mobile phones, music devices or speakers to play sound without headphones
  • Register at the reception counter by presenting your Membership Card before your session
  • Book a room at least four hours in advance (subject to availability)
  • Arrive at least 10 minutes ahead of your booking time
  • Keep your personal belongings in a locker located in the changing room
  • Keep your voice low
  • Body Massage Rooms will be arranged for Members and their guests who book body massage services
Please avoid
  • Bringing any food and drinks not provided by the Club into the Massage Rooms
  • Using loud, foul or abusive language
  • Abusing or removing the Club's supplies
  • Smoking (including electronic cigarettes)
  • Conversing on mobile devices
  • Using personal electronic equipment such as mobile phones, music devices or speakers to play sound without headphones
  • Arrive at least 10 minutes ahead of your booking time
  • Register at the reception counter by presenting your Membership Card before entry
  • Wear suitable eye protection
  • Use non-marking balls
  • Take proper care of the courts and the Club equipment
  • Vacate the court once the session has ended
Please avoid
  • Smoking (including electronic cigarettes) or eating
  • Engaging the services of coaches other than the Club-appointed coaches
  • Using loud, foul or abusive language
  • Conversing on mobile devices
  • Using personal electronic equipment such as mobile phones, music devices or speakers to play sound without headphones
  • Arrive at least 10 minutes ahead of your booking time
  • Register at the reception counter by presenting your Membership Card before entry
  • Take proper care of the billiard tables and the Club equipment
  • Vacate the room once the session has ended
Please avoid
  • Gambling
  • Using loud, foul or abusive language
  • Smoking (including electronic cigarettes)
  • Register at the reception counter by presenting your Membership Card before entry
  • Leave prams and baby strollers outside the Treehouse or Playroom
  • Queue for use of facilities in an orderly fashion
  • Ensure children under the age of 12 are accompanied by an adult who is either a Member or Supplementary Cardholder, or has been signed in as a guest
  • Members who sign in domestic helpers as guardians at the Treehouse / Playroom must remain within the Clubhouse at all times
  • Queue for use of the facilities in an orderly manner and abide by the instructions of the supervising staff at all times
Please avoid
  • Eating or drinking (except water provided by the Club)
  • Wearing shoes (Indoor Children’s Playroom only)
  • Shoving, chasing, "roughhousing", playing balls with racquets or engaging in throwing games
  • Using bicycles, skateboards, roller blades or similar wheeled equipment
  • Using loud, foul or abusive language
  • Conversing on mobile devices
  • Using personal electronic equipment such as mobile phones, music devices or speakers to play sound without headphones
  • Arrive at least 10 minutes ahead of your booking time
  • Register at the reception counter by presenting your Membership Card before entry
  • Stay behind the yellow safety strip when not playing
  • Use only clean golf clubs to prevent transfer of dirt onto the golf balls and the simulator screen
  • Take proper care of the simulators and the Club equipment
  • Vacate the simulators as soon as your session has ended
Please avoid
  • Eating or drinking
  • Engaging the services of coaches other than the Club-appointed coaches
  • Using golf balls other than those provided by the Club
  • Using loud, foul or abusive language or engaging in any form of behaviour that may cause offence to others
  • Conversing on mobile devices
  • Using personal electronic equipment such as mobile phones, music devices or speakers to play sound without headphones
  • Register at the reception counter by presenting your Membership Card before entry
  • Leave prams and baby strollers outside the Play Zone or Playroom
  • Queue for use of facilities in an orderly fashion
  • Ensure children under the age of 12 are accompanied by an adult who is either a Member or Supplementary Cardholder, or has been signed in as a guest
  • Members who sign in domestic helpers as guardians at the Play Zone / Playroom must remain within the Clubhouse at all times
Please avoid
  • Eating or drinking (except water provided by the Club)
  • Wearing shoes (Indoor areas only)
  • Shoving, chasing, "roughhousing", playing balls with racquets or engaging in throwing games
  • Using bicycles, skateboards, roller blades or similar wheeled equipment
  • Using loud, foul or abusive language
  • Conversing on mobile devices
  • Using personal electronic equipment such as mobile phones, music devices or speakers to play sound without headphones
  • Wear a swimming suit or sit on a towel (Sauna or Steam Suite)
  • Shower before entering the Sauna or Steam Suite
  • For pregnant mothers or those suffering from a medical condition, please seek prior approval from a medical practitioner (Sauna or Steam Suite)
  • Use the hose pipe only for washing down the seats in the Steam Suite
  • Respect other Members' equal right to enjoy the facility
  • Keep silent and do not engage in conversations of any kind
  • Wrap phlegm with a tissue and flush it down the toilet
  • Return the Club-provided towels to the laundry baskets after use
Please avoid
  • Using photographic devices
  • Exercising
  • Littering
  • Applying strong scents
  • Cutting, dyeing or chemically treating hair
  • Shaving and cutting nails
  • Reading newspapers, books and magazines
  • Smoking (including electronic cigarettes), eating or drinking (except water provided by the Club)
  • Placing any paper cups or other objects on the temperature sensors
  • Abusing or removing the Club's supplies
  • Drying personal clothing and shoes
  • Using the Sauna or Steam Suite when under the influence of alcohol or medication
  • Entering the Sauna or Steam Suite when ill or suffering from a contagious disease, a cut or an abrasion
  • Conversing on mobile devices
  • Using personal electronic equipment such as mobile phones, music devices or speakers to play sound without headphones
  • Using personal electronic equipment such as mobile phones inside the Sauna or Steam Suite​
  • Arrive at least 10 minutes ahead of your booking time
  • Register at the reception counter by presenting your Membership Card before entry
  • Take proper care of the courts and the Club equipment
  • Vacate the court or room once the session has ended
Please avoid
  • Smoking (including electronic cigarettes) or eating
  • Engaging the services of coaches other than the Club-appointed coaches
  • Using personal electronic equipment such as mobile phones, music devices or speakers to play sound without headphones
  • Arrive at least 10 minutes ahead of your booking time
  • Register at the reception counter by presenting your Membership Card before entry
  • Take proper care of the courts and the Club equipment
  • Vacate the court (including the seating area) once the session has ended
Please avoid
  • Inviting guests (non-players) on courts and causing disturbance to players on other courts
  • Bringing pets
  • Smoking (including electronic cigarettes) or eating
  • Engaging the services of coaches other than the Club-appointed coaches
  • Using more than 15 tennis balls on a court without the Club's approval except during group coaching or club-organised activities
  • Bringing glassware into the tennis court environs
  • Using loud, foul or abusive language
  • Conversing on mobile devices
  • Using personal electronic equipment such as mobile phones, music devices or speakers to play sound without headphones
  • Take proper care of the plants and the Club equipment
Please avoid
  • Exercising pets
  • Playing ball games except for Club-organised activities
  • Using unmanned aircraft systems for aerial photography or video recording
  • Using personal electronic equipment such as mobile phones, music devices or speakers to play sound without headphones
  • Take proper care of the plants and the Club equipment
Please avoid
  • Flying of drones or other electronic devices
  • Exercising pets (except dogs on a leash)
  • Playing ball games and tag games
  • Using skateboards, roller blades, electric scooters or other wheeled electric equipment
  • Using unmanned aircraft systems for aerial photography or video recording
  • Fishing in any of the ponds (except Club-organised activities)
  • Smoking (including electronic cigarettes)
  • Bringing any food and drinks not provided by the Club
  • Using personal electronic equipment such as mobile phones, music devices or speakers to play sound without headphones
  • Follow instructions given by Club staff and lifeguards
  • Queue for use of facilities in an orderly fashion
  • Ensure children under the age of 12 are accompanied by an adult who is either a Member or Supplementary Cardholder
Please avoid
  • Jumping into the sand pit
  • Throwing sand
  • Running, pushing and playing rough games
  • Bringing glassware into the sand pit area
  • Smoking (including electronic cigarettes), spitting or littering
  • Conversing on mobile devices
  • Using personal electronic equipment such as mobile phones, music devices or speakers to play sound without headphones
  • Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult who is either a Member or Supplementary Cardholder
Please avoid
  • Shoving, chasing, "roughhousing", playing balls with racquets or engaging in throwing games
  • Using bicycles, skateboards, roller blades or similar wheeled equipment
  • Using personal electronic equipment such as mobile phones, music devices or speakers to play sound without headphones
  • Register at the bicycle rental counter by presenting your Membership Card
  • Use the designated cycling routes
Please avoid
  • Speeding or overtaking others
  • Leaving children or guests unattended when using bicycles
  • Using personal electronic equipment such as mobile phones, music devices or speakers to play sound without headphones
  • Book a stable tour or pony ride as an introduction to equestrian activities for first-time riders
  • Wear proper closed-toed shoes when entering the stables
  • Drive slowly while entering Beas River Equestrian Centre and always give way to horses
  • Quietly stop to the side to allow horses to pass safely
  • Report to Beas River Equestrian Centre staff or the office immediately if an accident occurs
  • Keep dogs on a leash at all times
Please avoid
  • Operating model aircrafts and drones on the Club's premises. Special approval is required from Beas River Equestrian Centre's management for specific promotional or operational reasons
  • Entering Beas River Equestrian Centre outside of opening hours
  • Entering a stable block when the doors are closed
  • Entering a stable without authorisation
  • Entering a paddock without authorisation
  • Hand-feeding horses in the stable blocks
  • Littering, shouting or running on Beas River Equestrian Centre premises
  • Smoking (including electronic cigarettes)
  • Playing ball sports
  • Riding bicycles, skateboards or scooters

Conditions of Use

  • Dogs are only allowed at the Stables Café and may only stay within the outdoor (patio) area.
  • By bringing his / her dog onto the premises of the Club, the Member or Supplementary Cardholder acknowledges that his / her dog has a valid licence registered under his / her name in accordance with the prevailing laws of Hong Kong.
  • Members or Supplementary Cardholders, must be present with their dogs within the Stables Café at all times, except when placing order inside the Stables Café and their dogs must be leashed to the hooks fitted on the walls or benches in the outdoor (patio) area of the Stables Café.
  • A maximum of two dogs per Membership account will be allowed at the Stables Café at a time.
  • Members may only bring their dogs to the Stables Café via the designated route(s).
  • In compliance with the law and for safety reasons, the Conditions of Use for the Stables Café are:
    • Dogs taller than 70cm, measured from the shoulder, will not be allowed to enter the Stables Café. Dogs taller than 50cm will need to wear a muzzle at all times unless they are eating or drinking, and must be leashed at all times.
    • Both “fighting dogs” and "known dangerous dogs", as classified under the Dangerous Dogs Regulation (Cap. 167D), are not allowed within the Club’s premises.
    • All dogs should always be kept on a leash no longer than one and a half meters in length, or placed in a fully enclosed pet carrier when on the Club's premises.
    • All dogs will need to be leashed to the hooks fitted on the walls and benches in the patio area, or to the appropriate hooks within the Stables Café.
    • Due to the limited space, no more than 11 dogs will be allowed at the Stables Café at the same time. If the maximum capacity has been reached, Shan Kwong Road Park is available for use.

Indemnity & Disclaimer

  • By bringing any dog onto the Club's premises, the Member or Supplementary Cardholder accepts full responsibility for any damage or injury caused by their dog to other persons or dogs or the property of the Club or any third party. The Member or Supplementary Cardholder shall indemnify the Club against any claim arising from his / her dog(s) unless such injury or damage was caused by negligence of the Club or Club's staff.
  • The Club shall be under no liability or responsibility for any loss of or injury to the dogs unless such loss or injury was caused by the negligence of the Club or Club's staff.

Dog Owner's Etiquette / Points to Observe

  • Please be considerate of other patrons and dogs at the Stables Café. Please only bring your dog if it is well-behaved and has no known issue in socialising with other dogs and humans.
  • If your dog behaves in such a way that causes concern or disturbance to or affects the safety of other patrons or dogs, Club's staff may request you and your dog to leave the Stables Café.
  • Please follow the rules with regard to keeping your dog on a leash and under proper control.
  • Please bring your own waste bags and clean up after your dog urinates or defecates.
  • Please make every effort to keep your dog from causing nuisance to others.
  • Please do not allow your dog to eat from the table.
  • Bring your own food dish and water bowl. Dogs are prohibited from eating and drinking from the dishes and glasses provided by the Club.

Designated route(s) to Stables Café when bringing your dog(s)

  • Play on a first-come, first-served basis for up to two sessions (Please click here for more details)
  • Remember to use clean shoes only, if you are bringing your own bowling shoes. Bowling shoes are available
  • Bowl in a safe and responsible manner
  • Take care of your designated table and area
  • Return bowling shoes after use
  • Vacate the area once the session has ended
  • Note that rental charges apply on a per session basis
Please avoid
  • Using your bowling shoes for activities other than bowling in the lanes
  • Using loud, foul or abusive language, or engaging in any form of behaviour that may cause offence to others
  • Removing any of the Club's equipment from The Eighth
  • Leaving the area in an untidy fashion after use
  • Book in advance or reserve on-site for up to two sessions
  • Remember to use clean clubs only, if you are bringing your own golf clubs. Golf clubs are available
  • Use the golf simulator in a safe and responsible manner
  • Take care of the golf simulator and any equipment rented from the Club
  • Return the Club equipment after use
  • Vacate the area once the session has ended
  • Note that rental charges apply on a per session basis
Please avoid
  • Using golf balls other than those provided by the Club
  • Using loud, foul or abusive language, or engaging in any form of behaviour that may cause offence to others
  • Removing any of the Club equipment from The Eighth
  • Leaving the area in an untidy fashion after use
  • Play on a first-come, first-served basis for up to two sessions
  • Adhere to the Club's hygiene measures while using the VR headset
  • Use the riding simulator in a safe and responsible manner and as instructed by Club Staff
  • Vacate the area once the session has ended
Please avoid
  • Using loud, foul or abusive language, or engaging in any form of behaviour that may cause offence to others
  • Eating or drinking within the demarcated area
  • Removing any of the Club equipment from The Eighth
  • Leaving the area in an untidy fashion after use
  • Reserve on-site for up to two sessions
  • Remember to use clean items only, if you are bringing your own equipment. Table tennis equipment is available
  • Use the table tennis equipment in a safe and responsible manner
  • Take care of the table tennis table and any equipment from the Club
  • Return the Club equipment after use
  • Vacate the area once the session has ended
Please avoid
  • Using table tennis balls other than those provided by the Club
  • Putting food or drinks on the table tennis table
  • Using loud, foul or abusive language, or engaging in any form of behaviour that may cause offence to others
  • Removing any of the Club equipment from The Eighth
  • Leaving the area in an untidy fashion after use
  • Play on a first-come, first-served basis for up to two sessions
  • Use the table football equipment in a safe and responsible manner
  • Leave the table football balls on the table
  • Vacate the area once the session has ended
Please avoid
  • Putting food or drinks on the table football table
  • Using loud, foul or abusive language, or engaging in any form of behaviour that may cause offence to others
  • Removing any of the Club equipment from The Eighth
  • Leaving the area in an untidy fashion after use
  • Reserve on-site for up to two sessions
  • Take care of the Club equipment, and place the equipment back into their appropriate holders after use
  • Use the pool and snooker equipment in a safe and responsible manner
  • Vacate the area once the session has ended
Please avoid
  • Putting food or drinks on either the pool or snooker tables
  • Using loud, foul or abusive language, or engaging in any form of behaviour that may cause offence to others
  • Removing any of the Club equipment from The Eighth
  • Leaving the area in an untidy fashion after use
  • Play on a first-come, first-served basis for up to two sessions
  • Use the air hockey equipment in a safe and responsible manner
  • Vacate the area once the session has ended
Please avoid
  • Putting food or drinks on the air hockey table
  • Using loud, foul or abusive language, or engaging in any form of behaviour that may cause offence to others
  • Removing any of the Club equipment from The Eighth
  • Leaving the area in an untidy fashion after use
  • Play on a first-come, first-served basis for up to two sessions
  • Take care of the beer pong equipment and the Club equipment supplied for the game
  • Use the beer pong equipment in a safe and responsible manner
  • Vacate the area once the session has ended
Please avoid
  • Using loud, foul or abusive language, or engaging in any form of behaviour that may cause offence to others
  • Removing any of the Club equipment from The Eighth
  • Leaving the area in an untidy fashion after use
  • Play on a first-come, first-served basis for up to two sessions
  • Use the dart board and darts in a safe and responsible manner
  • Take care of the dart board and the Club equipment supplied for the game
  • Return the Club equipment after use
  • Vacate the area once the session has ended
Please avoid
  • Using darts other than those provided by the Club
  • Using loud, foul or abusive language, or engaging in any form of behaviour that may cause offence to others
  • Removing any of the Club equipment from The Eighth
  • Play on a first-come, first-served basis for up to two sessions
  • Use the racing simulator in a safe and responsible manner and as instructed by Club staff
  • Vacate the area once the session has ended
  • Note that rental charges apply on a per session basis
Please avoid
  • Using loud, foul or abusive language, or engaging in any form of behaviour that may cause offence to others
  • Removing any of the Club equipment from The Eighth
  • Leaving the area in an untidy fashion after use
  • All adults and children guests must be registered by Member or Spouse Supplementary Cardholder for each session at the Magic Valley reception counter before entering the facility
  • For the safety and comfort of users, the Club reserves the right to limit the number of persons inside the Magic Valley
  • Re-entry for the same session will be allowed with a valid wristband
  • Wristbands are not transferable to other Members or guests
  • Children must be accompanied by an adult who is either a Member or Supplementary Cardholder, or has been signed in as a guest at all times. Each Member or Supplementary Cardholder is solely responsible for the conduct of the guest and for the conduct and safety of the children
  • Before using the Magic Valley facilities, parents, guardians and children should familiarise themselves with the rules for using Magic Valley. The Club will not be responsible for any loss, illness,accident, harm or fatality arising from using the Magic Valley facilities
  • Leave prams and baby strollers outside the Magic Valley
  • Remove shoes, loose articles of clothing and jewelry before using the play equipment
  • Socks must be worn at all times unless otherwise stated
  • Queue for use of the facilities in an orderly manner and abide by the instructions of the supervising staff at all times
  • Alert Club's staff if you observe any hygiene issues on the play equipment
Please avoid
  • Using foul or abusive language
  • Members, Supplementary Cardholders and guests over the age of 12 are requested to refrain from using the play equipment or accompanying children on it
  • Climbing or standing on the outside of the play equipment
  • Running, shoving, chasing, “roughhousing”, playing balls or engaging in throwing games
  • Bringing toys or other play items into the Magic Valley
  • Eating or drinking (except water provided by the Club)
  • Conversing on mobile devices
  • Using personal electronic equipment such as mobile phones, music devices or speakers to play sound without headphones
  • Wear shoes inside the Wonder Kitchen
  • Wear the Chef's uniform provided by the club at all times in the cooking studio
  • Follow the instructions of the chef at all times
  • Keep long hair tied back at all times
  • State any allergies or dietary restrictions your child has at the time of booking and sign to confirm
  • Keep knives on the work bench at all times
Please avoid
  • Wearing open shoes (sandals, flip flops etc) and high heels for both children and adults
  • Using glassware in the kitchen area
  • Make sure children are accompanied by an adult who is either a Member or Supplementary Cardholder, or has been signed in as a guest at all times
  • Abide by the instructions of the supervising staff
Reservation Policy of Restaurants and Bars

One eligible Cardholder under the same Membership account may reserve only one table or one private room per meal period; other eligible Cardholders (if any) under the same Membership account cannot reserve additional tables at the same outlet during the same meal period.

An exception is allowed for table reservations at bars: After 5:00pm (excluding festive period / special events / in house events), one eligible Cardholder under the same Membership account may reserve one additional bar table at selected bars#; other eligible Cardholder (if any) under the same Membership account can also reserve additional bar table at selected bars, except at the same bar with table reservation already made by eligible cardholder under the same Membership account.

Member, Spouse Supplementary Cardholder or Children Supplementary Cardholder with Extended Clubhouse Signing Rights (Children Supplementary Cardholder may only make table reservation on non-public holiday weekdays)
#Designated bars include 360 Bar, Happy Bar, Happy Circle I, Happy Circle II, Private Reserve, The Derby Bar and Kat O Bar

Function Rooms
Clubhouses Function Rooms
Happy Valley Old Clubhouse
  • Chater Room
  • Trophy Room
  • Centenary Room
  • Gold Cup Room
Happy Valley New Clubhouse
  • The Eighth
Sha Tin Clubhouse
  • Double Haven
  • Tai Mo shan
  • Robin’s Nest
  • Ma On Shan
  • Lion Rock
  • Fei Ngo Shan
  • Pat Sin Range
Beas River Country Club
  • Arena Room
  • The Lawn
  • Conference Room

2966 1288 (Reservations are recommended)


Accompanied guests are welcome

Points to Observe

All ages are welcome
Venue reservations can be made 18 months in advance

Maximum Reservation Lead Time

Regular Table: one month
Private Room: 3 months

Clubhouses Private Rooms
Happy Valley Old Clubhouse
  • Fortune Room - three Private Rooms (Available in one of the rooms*)
  • The Derby Restaurant - Private Room
  • The Gallop - two Semi-private Rooms

Happy Valley New Clubhouse

  • The Parade
    • Blue Room*
    • Green Room*
    • Red Room*
    • Silver Room*
  • The Ring at The Parade
  • Trio
    • River*
    • Ocean*
  • The Eighth
    • Chef's Table
    • Hong Kong Mile*
    • Hong Kong Vase*
    • Hong Kong Cup*
    • Hong Kong Sprint*
Sha Tin Clubhouse
  • Centurion Restaurant - Centurion Trophy
  • Oi Suen - three Private Rooms (Private Room C)
Beas River Country Club
  • Horseshoe Grill - Private Room

Available facilities:
Mahjong facilities upon request in advance

Restaurants and Bars / Events / Programmes
Booking Type Cancellation Charge No-show Charge
(Host Members + Number of guests)

Regular Table

HK$100 per person
(Cancellation made less than 24 hours prior to the reserved time)

HK$200 per person

Buffet 50% charge per person
(Cancellation made less than 24 hours prior to the reserved time)
Full charge per person
Teppanyaki Isshō
  • 50% of the lowest menu price per person
    (Confirmation letter is not signed at least seven calendar days prior to the reserved date)
  • 50% of the menu price per person
    (Cancellation made between three and seven calendar days prior to the reserved date)
  • 75% of the menu price per person
    (Cancellation made within two calendar days prior to the reserved date)
  • 100% of the menu price per person
    (Cancellation made on the reserved date)
(Cancellation includes reductions in guest numbers and changes of date)
100% of the menu price per person
Private Room /
Semi-Private Room
  • 50% of the minimum charge
    (Cancellation made between three and seven calendar days prior to the reserved date)
  • 75% of the minimum charge
    (Cancellation made within two calendar days prior to the reserved date)
  • 100% of the minimum charge
    (Cancellation made on the reserved date)
100% of the minimum charge
Guest Chef /
Wine Dinner /
In-house Event
  • 50% of the minimum charge
    (Cancellation made between three and 14 calendar days prior to the reserved date)
  • 75% of the minimum charge
    (Cancellation made within two calendar days prior to the reserved date)
  • 100% of the minimum charge
    (Cancellation made on the reserved date)
Set Menu:
Full charge per person

A La Carte:
HK$400 per person
Festive Programme (Christmas Eve, Christmas, Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year's Day) ​/
Special Events
Full charge per person
(Cancellation made less than 14 calendar days prior to the reserved date)
Full charge per person
The Eighth - Golf Simulator N/A Twice the rental charge
Recreation Programmes
Programmes Cancellation Charge No-show Charge*

Personal Trainer and Private Coaching

Full charge#
(Cancellation made less than 24 hours prior to the reserved time)

Full charge

Group Exercise
Studios Classes
Full charge#
(Cancellation made less than 24 hours prior to the reserved time)

Full charge

Private and Group Swimming Coaching Monthly programme charge
(Cancellation made less than seven days prior to the next effective month)

Full charge

Regular Programme Monthly programme charge
(Cancellation made less than seven days prior to the next effective month)
Full charge
Special Event N/A Full charge

*Failure to attend the enrolled programme in person without prior cancellation
#Applicable to a class or session booked under any group class subscription plan or any Personal Trainer package plan. The applicable cancellation or no-show charge shall be counted as a single session.

Leisure Facilities
Facilities / Services Cancellation Charge No-show Charge#

Billiard Room,
Table Tennis Room,
Tennis Court,
Squash Court,
Mini Basketball Court,
Golf Simulator Room,
Multi-purpose Court

Facility Rental Charge
(Cancellation made less than 24 hours prior to the reserved time)

Twice the rental charge

Card Room, Entertainment Room
(Happy Valley Old Clubhouse)
Full charge
(Cancellation made less than three days prior to the reserved time)

Full charge

Massage Rooms
(Happy Valley Old Clubhouse, Sha Tin Clubhouse)
Full charge
(Cancellation made less than four hours prior to the reserved time)

Full charge

Private Booking:

Group Exercise Studios /
Private Studios
(Happy Valley New Clubhouse)

(Happy Valley Old Clubhouse /
Sha Tin Clubhouse)

Indoor Children's Playroom
(Beas River Country Club)
Full charge
(Cancellation made less than 24 hours prior to the reserved time)
Full charge
Private Booking:
Wonder Kitchen /
Ponies Range
(Happy Valley New Clubhouse)
30% of the total fee
(Cancellation after confirmation)

50% of the total fee
(Cancellation made less than 30 days prior to the event)

75% of the total fee
(Cancellation made less than seven days prior to the event)

100% of the total fee
(Cancellation made on the event day)

Short Game Area
(Sports Complex)

Exercise Room
(Beas River Country Club)
Bicycle Rental
(Beas River Country Club)
Bicycle Rental charge
(Cancellation made less than 24 hours prior to the reserved time)
Twice the rental charge

#Failure to check-in in person for the reserved facility within 10 minutes without prior cancellation

Smart Card and Smart Wristband Terms and Conditions
Part A
  1. These Terms and Conditions consist of two (2) parts, of which Part A sets out the general provisions and Part B provisions specific to the issuing outlets of the Devices. “Device” means the device, in the form of a smart cards, wristbands or any other device (whether physical or digital) as The Hong Kong Jockey Club (“the Club”) may designate and deploy, which is enabled with authentication functions and may be issued at the request of a Member (being, the Principal Cardholder and/or Spouse Supplementary Cardholder) to and for the use by the Member, other Supplementary Cardholder of his/her membership account and/or his/her accompanied guests.
  2. By requesting for issuance of a Device, the Member is deemed to have read and agreed with these Terms and Conditions and undertake to impose in favour of the Club the parts of these Terms and Conditions as applicable on any individual issued with a Device at the Member’s request.
  3. If the issuing outlet is authorised to issue Device together with a limit for spending at the same outlet (and, if applicable, other outlet(s)) (“Spending Outlet(s)”), a Member may request for a specific spending limit borne by the Device to be used at such outlets. If no specific spending limit is requested, the Device will be issued with the default limit of the particular issuing outlet. Such limit (whether being default or specific) shall be the maximum spending limit as may be used by that Device on the date of the issuance or on each day during the period designated by the requesting Member.
  4. All spending with the Device will be charged to the requesting Member’s account. Any refund would be made to the Member’s account only.
  5. All physical Devices shall remain the Club’s property and be returned to the issuing outlet after use.
  6. If any Device is lost, stolen or damaged, the requesting Member shall be liable for all spending with such Device up to the time when the requesting Member notifies the Club of the loss or damage.
  7. HK$50 will be charged to Member’s account for each lost or damaged physical Device.
  8. All risks arising in connection with the possession and/or use of any Device howsoever shall be borne by the requesting Member, in particular, minors issued with a Device shall only use the Device under the supervision of an accompanying adult.
  9. In the event of any dispute in connection with issuance and/or use of any Device, the Club’s decision shall be final and biding. These Terms and Conditions are written in Chinese and English, and in the event of any inconsistency, the English version shall prevail.
Part B

Happy Valley New Clubhouse – The Parade and The Eighth

For any Device issued at The Parade or The Eighth in The Happy Valley New Clubhouse:

  • The default spending limit per Device is HK$3,000;
  • A Member may request for a specific spending limit of up to HK$5,000 per Device; and
  • The Devices issued for The Parade and The Eighth may be used in any restaurants and bars within the Happy Valley New Clubhouse as designated by the Club from time to time.

BRCC – The Old Clubhouse Restaurant and Bar

For any Device issued at The Old Clubhouse Restaurant and Bar:

  • The default spending limit per Device is HK$3,000;
  • A Member may request for a specific spending limit of up to HK$5,000 per Device; and
  • The Devices issued for The Old Clubhouse Restaurant and Bar may be used at outlets in The Old Clubhouse Restaurant and Bar.


For any Device issued at the LEVADE in the Beas River Country Club:

  • The default spending limit per Device per day is HK$3,000;
  • A Member may request for a specific spending limit of up to HK$5,000 per Device per day; and
  • The Devices issued at LEVADE in the Beas River Country Club may be used in The Old Clubhouse Restaurant and Bar, Arena Room and Changing Room Counter in the Beas River Country Club.
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