
Points to Observe

Rules for Using Racecourse Facilities
Points to Note When Exercising Membership Privileges
  • Observe all Bye-laws, Rules and instructions of the Club’s staff
  • Respect fellow users of Members’ facilities and the Club’s staff
  • Present Membership Cards when using the Members’ facilities upon check in
  • Wear Racing Badges when attending or using facilities of the Members’ Enclosures at race meetings
  • Handle the Club's property and equipment with care
  • Always accompany your children and guests
Please do not
  • Tip or provide gratuities to Club’s staff
  • Allow any third party to use your Membership Card or non-transferrable Racing Badge
  • Abuse or remove the Club's supplies
  • Park your car overnight on the Club's premises
  • Use foul language or behave in an unruly manner on the Club's premises
Rules For Using Members’ Enclosures at the Racecourses
  1. The Rules of the Club concerning Membership and use of the Club’s facilities are fully set out in the Club’s Articles of Association, Bye-laws and this Members' Facilities Directory. In particular, admission to and use of Members’ Enclosures of the Racecourses on a Race Day (the “Members’ Enclosures”) and issuance and use of Badges are regulated by the Race Day Bye-laws. Copies of which such Rules are available on the Club’s official website. The making, alteration and amendment of any Bye-laws and facility guidelines shall be effected by displaying a notice on the Club’s Notice Boards.
  2. Members, Supplementary Cardholders and their guests must observe the Laws of Hong Kong (including but not limited to any public health, gaming and gambling, and national safety laws and regulations) and all the Rules of the Club at all times while they are within the premises of the Club. Betting activities may only be conducted through channels authorised by the Club. Whilst within the Public Enclosure of the Racecourses on a Race Day, Members, Supplementary Cardholders and their guests shall comply with the Conditions for Entry for the Racecourses and such other rules and regulations as published at the entrances to the Racecourses and/or on the Club’s official website.
  3. Members and Supplementary Cardholders must present their Membership Cards upon entering the Members’ Enclosures.
  4. Members and Supplementary Cardholders should not leave their guests (including immediate family members without supplementary cards) or, in the case of any area of the Members’ Enclosure where those under the age of 18 may be admitted, children under the age of 18 unaccompanied at the Members’ Enclosures and they are responsible for the conduct of their guests.
  5. Members shall ensure that when using the Members’ Enclosures, Supplementary Cardholders and their guests must observe the users’ etiquette for such facility as set out in the Directory and other conditions or points to note as posted in the relevant facility.
  6. Access to different areas of the Members’ Enclosures by Members and guests is subject to specific restrictions and/or conditions in relation to the relevant facilities, including dress code.
  7. All electronic communication devices including mobile phones must be set to silent or vibration mode at all times in the Members' Enclosures and must not emit any sound or noise. No voice calls or, recording or listening of voice messages is allowed, except in a private room or function room reserved for the exclusive use of the particular Member and his guests, washrooms, in car parks and any area that is outside the interior of a restaurant, box or other facility, as otherwise permitted by the Club provided a low volume must be maintained, causing and no disturbance is caused toand respecting the relaxation and enjoyment of other users of the facility.
  8. Photos, videos or recordings may be taken at the Members’ Enclosures, except for restricted areas as designated by the Club. Such photos, videos or recordings may only be used for personal and private purposes. No person may take any photograph, video or audio recordings or conduct any live broadcast or live streaming within the Members’ Enclosures unless otherwise permitted by the Club.
  9. If photograph, video or audio recordings is permitted by the Club, such photos or recordings may only be used for personal and private purposes only. The photos or recordings taken shall not be used for any commercial purposes, or be passed onto any third party for such purposes. Unless with the prior written approval of the Club, no commercial shooting, use of professional cameras or recording equipment, or use of covert cameras or other similar filming or recording device is allowed.
  10. No photographs, videos or audio recordings of other persons may be taken in the Members’ Enclosures without their consent. Photography or filming shall not cause any nuisance to or infringe the privacy of other persons.
  11. The Club reserves the right to refuse entry of Members, Supplementary Cardholders or their guests who have not met the dress code of the relevant area of the Members’ Enclosures. Please take note and observe the applicable dress code.
  12. No self-brought food is allowed at the Members’ Enclosures without prior approval from the Club.
  13. Members, Supplementary Cardholders and their guests should maintain courtesy towards other users and Club staff, take care of the facilities and properties, and respect others’ equal right to enjoy the facilities.
  14. Smoking (including electronic cigarettes) is not permitted except in the designated smoking areas.
  15. No pets are allowed on any of the premises except for guide dogs for disabled assistance subject to conditions as may be imposed by the Club from time to time. Prior notification of an intended visit of a guide dog shall be given to the Club so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
  16. Except with the prior written approval of the Club, no Member or Supplementary Cardholder shall conduct any commercial, political, religious or fundraising activity on the premises of the Club.
  17. No fees shall be charged by a Member or a Supplementary Cardholder for admission to any function held on any premises of the Club. Commercial promotion or publicity of a private function is prohibited. Use of admission badges is subject to the Race Day Bye-laws and other terms and conditions as the Club may determine. All badges are for personal use only. The badge or the right to use such badge shall not be sold or leased, offered for sale or lease, coupled or bundled with any product or services, offered or obtained as a competition prize or otherwise used for commercial or promotional purposes, whether or not with the intent to make a profit.
  18. Members, Supplementary Cardholders and their guests entering the premises of the Club, using any facility of the Club or participating in any activity organised by the Club do so at their own risk. The Club does not accept any liability or responsibility for any death or bodily injury howsoever sustained by any Member, Supplementary Cardholders or their guests, unless and to the extent it is established that such death or injury is caused by the negligence of the Club or its staff.
  19. Any property brought onto the premises of the Club by Members, Supplementary Cardholders or their guests shall remain at all times at the entire risk of the individual. The Club shall be under no liability or responsibility for any loss, injury or damage, howsoever caused, to such property, notwithstanding that such property shall have been entrusted to any Club’s staff or placed in any locker provided by the Club.
  20. Members shall be responsible for any loss or damage caused by them, their Supplementary Cardholders or their guests to any facility or property of the Club or to the property of any third party, as well as any death or personal injury caused by them, their Supplementary Cardholders or their guests to other individuals in the premises of the Club. In case of any loss or damage to the facilities or property of the Club, the Club shall be entitled to charge such costs of replacement or repair to the account of the Member.
  21. Members shall indemnify the Club against all liability for or in respect of any injury to or death of any person or any loss of or damage to property arising out of or in connection with any acts or omissions of the Member or their Supplementary Cardholders or their guests.
  22. The Club is a public body under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance and has in place a clear policy on acceptance of advantages by Club staff. Offering or giving of advantages such as tips, rewards, gifts, favours, loans, fees, or commissions to Club staff is strictly prohibited except in the following circumstances:
    • A voluntary contribution to a yearly Gratuity Fund around the time of the Chinese New Year which will be distributed to designated Membership Catering and Service staff;
    • Giving of lai sees or red packets to Club staff is subject to the relevant departmental policy. In this regard, all Club staff working at Clubhouses and Racecourses are permitted to accept and keep lai see valued at HKD/RMB 500 or below given by each Member or guest per occasion within the first 15 days of Chinese New Year. Any excess amount is required to be surrendered in accordance with the relevant departmental policy;
    • Giving of gratuities to certain racing staff and apprentice jockeys in accordance with the provisions in the Owners' Handbook and the Rules of Racing.
    • Offering or giving any advantage to Club staff, other than in circumstances as set out above or otherwise with prior approval of the Club, may constitute a criminal offence. Members who offered or gave advantages to Club staff in contravention Club policy may also be subject to disciplinary proceedings.
  23. Members or Supplementary Cardholders who have grounds for complaint against other user of a facility or Club staff or who wish to suggest improvements shall refer the matter in writing to the Manager of the relevant facility. Direct confrontation with other users should be avoided and no person shall reprimand Club staff.
  24. Members and other users of Club facilities are expected to maintain proper decorum and respect. In no circumstances should any person subject another user of the facility or Club staff to abuse or otherwise behave in a manner that is abusive, intimidating, offensive or inappropriate.
  25. Club staff are instructed to report infringement of any Rules of the Club to the relevant Facility Manager. The Facility Manager or his delegate shall have the power to request any person to leave the relevant Facility if his conduct in the opinion of the Manager or his delegate causes disturbance to other users of the Facility.
  26. Complaints or reports of infringement of the Rules of the Club and misbehaviours will be forwarded to the relevant Facility Manager.
  27. A Member who is alleged to be in breach of the Rules of the Club or have committed misconduct may be served with a notice under Article 37 of the Club’s Articles of Association requesting him to provide written explanation within a specified time. Upon considering the Member's written representations, the case may be referred to a Conduct Review Panel or a Disciplinary Committee for disciplinary action under the Articles of Association and the Members’ Disciplinary Bye-laws.
  28. If any Supplementary Cardholder or other permitted user is in violation of the Rules of the Club, his right to use Members' Facilities may be suspended or revoked.
Points to Observe at Racecourses
  1. The use of mobile phones is allowed at the racecourses; however they must be switched to silent or vibration mode.
  2. The use of mobile phone for conversation is not permitted in the Stewards Boxes, Voting Members Boxes, Parade Ring and winners' photo areas.
  3. Member's Badge should not be transferred. The badge holders are responsible for the conduct of each guest for whom he/she has obtained a guest badge whilst such guest is on the premises of the Club on a race day.
  4. Dress code is strictly enforced at the Stewards Boxes, Voting Members Boxes, Owners Boxes and Members Boxes, the Parade Ring and other Members' Enclosures. For details, please refer to Dress Code.
  5. No person under the age of 18 will be admitted to the Member's Enclosure or Public Enclosure.
  6. All Members are entitled to use the Member's facilities at racecourse and have the following privileges:
    • May attend race meetings in the Member's Enclosure at the Happy Valley and Sha Tin Racecourses.
    • May purchase guest badges for guests to attend race meetings in the Member's Enclosure at both racecourses.
    • May apply for, own and enter any racehorse under the terms and conditions set forth in the Club's Bye-laws, Rules of Racing and other regulations made by the Stewards of the Jockey Club from time to time.
  7. Happy Valley Racecourse non-raceday restaurants will be closed when Typhoon 8 signal is in force. They will reopen within 2 hours when the signal is lowered and no “extreme condition” is announced by the government. All facilities will remain closed for the day if the Typhoon 8 signal or “extreme condition” remains in force by 5pm.

The Club retains the sole and all rights to make any decision relating to any activity and its content (including but not limited to venue, date or time, performance or other activities, entry requirements, gift, discount or other offerings) advertised, described or otherwise contained in any material, and may cancel, postpone or modify the content of any activity or amend the relevant terms and conditions, at any time without notice, and without liability for refund, compensation or otherwise.

Raceday Facilities Reservation Guideline

Reservation for Voting Members Facilities,please refer to Booking procedure (Voting Members Boxes).
Reservation for Owners Facilities,please refer to Booking procedure (Owners Boxes).
Reservation for Members Facilities,please refer to Booking procedure (Members Boxes).

Non-Raceday Facilities Reservation Guideline (Applies to Provincial / The Chalk / Moon Koon Restaurant)

Maximum Reservation Lead Time
Regular Table: one month
Private Room: 3 months

Location Private Rooms
Happy Valley Racecourses
  • Grandstand 7/F - Provincial
  • Pavilion Stand 7/F - The Chalk
  • Happy Valley Stand 2/F - Moon Koon Private Room

The following charges applies to Provincial / The Chalk / Topaz (Non-Raceday)

Booking Type Cancellation Charge No-show Charge
(Host Members + Number of guests)
Regular Table HK$100 per person
(Cancellation made less than 24 hours prior to the reserved time)
HK$200 per person
Private Room /
Semi-Private Room
  • 50% of the minimum charge
    (Cancellation made between three and seven calendar days prior to the reserved date)
  • 75% of the minimum charge
    (Cancellation made within two calendar days prior to the reserved date)
  • 100% of the minimum charge
    (Cancellation made on the reserved date)
100% of the minimum charge
Guest Chef /
Wine Dinner /
In-house Event
  • 50% of the minimum charge
    (Cancellation made between three and 14 calendar days prior to the reserved date)
  • 75% of the minimum charge
    (Cancellation made within two calendar days prior to the reserved date)
  • 100% of the minimum charge
    (Cancellation made on the reserved date)
Set Menu:
Full charge per person

A La Carte:
HK$400 per person
Festive Programme /
Special Events
Full charge per person
(Cancellation made less than 14 calendar days prior to the reserved date)
Full charge per person
Buffet 50% charge per person
(Cancellation made less than one hour prior to the reserved time)
Full charge per person

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