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Dipping Pond

The Dipping Pond is a great way to intoduce our little ones to wildlife in an aquatic environment, while ensuring their safety. Lots of plants both inside the water and surrounding flower beds are attracting insects and water bugs and this offers a great way to interact with them. Floating on the pond you can see pond skaters, who use the hairs on their legs to walk on water, and during the Spring months you can see frogsporn, tadpoles and baby frogs. Throughout the Summer & Autumn months you can see dragonflies and damselflies fliting around the pond and on the grasses. And if you are lucky, you may even get the chance to see a dragonfly nympf climbing out of the water up onto a reed, where it will then escape its shell, unfold and dry its wings and emerge as a beautiful dragonfly.

Plants in and around the pond include Chinese Celery, East-Himalayan Shrub Mint, Doublespikelet Fimbristylis, Touch-me-not, Common Rush and Unbrella Plant.

Click here to view the Fauna & Flora spotting guide