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Herb & Rose Gardens

The Herb Garden was created to stimulate all your senses, as you touch, smell, see and even taste your way around this special area, helping you unwind, relax and forget about the pressures in life. A number of herbs have been planted that give rise to gentle aromas emerging from the leaves and flowers throughout the seasons. From tarragon, lemongrass, mint, basil, sage and rosemary, they also provide food for the many pollinators that visit daily too. Even the cobble stones help stilulate your sense of touch as you can walk barefoot around the garden. And add more colour and stimulate your eyes we have added flowing plants and grasses such as Yellow Wild Iris, Gardenia, Chinese Privet and Lily Turf.

The Rose Garden is a popular location over Winter & Spring as many colours and species of Chinese Rose continue to bloom and grow. We do not use any pesticides in the garden, and therefore in the Spring months the rose petals are favoured by the emerging Rose Beetles, but check back in the evening as they are mainly nocturnal visitors.

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