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Uplifting News for Families

For one of the world’s most prosperous cities, Hong Kong faces the harsh reality that one-fifth of its population lives in poverty. To combat this pressing issue, and in particular to empower low-income families living in transitional housing, the Club has unveiled JC PROJECT LIFT, an initiative made possible by a HK$720 million donation from its Charities Trust.

The announcement took centre stage at The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Day at Sha Tin Racecourse in April. With the theme of “LIFT Together, LIVE Better”, the event was a special occasion attended by Government officials and Club leaders, as well as over 200 charity and community representatives.

Youth Development & Poverty Alleviation is one of the focus areas of the Club’s charities strategy. Through collaborations across the public and private sectors, the Club aims to unlock the potential of young people from diverse backgrounds while helping families break the cycle of poverty. This also contributes to poverty alleviation policy targets outlined in the Chief Executive’s latest Policy Address.

Spanning five years, JC PROJECT LIFT will facilitate collaborations between 18 partners to provide comprehensive support to targeted families. Inspired by the successful Graduation Approach used in rural settings overseas, an Urban Graduation Approach (UGA) is pioneered to address urban poverty challenges. The model focuses on enhancing family capacities, cultivating sustainable livelihoods and bolstering financial empowerment through a savings scheme with a preferential interest rate. Additionally, it aims to build confidence, encourage social engagement and foster community connections.

Initially benefiting 14,000 families in 25 transitional housing projects, it is hoped that the success of JC PROJECT LIFT can be replicated in other residential settings in Hong Kong and potentially overseas, as a powerful testament to the transformative power of collective action.