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Unsung Heroes

Equestrian sport thrives on the harmonious partnership between horse and rider, and at the heart of this partnership stands the equestrian groom. Often working behind the scenes, these tireless individuals play a vital role in ensuring the wellbeing of equine athletes.

Grooms shoulder the day-to-day care and management of horses beyond the limelight. Their responsibilities encompass everything from grooming and feeding, to monitoring a horse’s health and maintaining a comfortable living environment. With their keen understanding of equine behaviour, grooms serve as the first line of defence in detecting subtle changes in a horse’s demeanour or physical condition to ensure its overall health and happiness. By being a constant presence and offering attention and nurturing, grooms create a sense of security and trust, fostering a positive and cooperative relationship between horse and human.

In addition to their daily responsibilities, equestrian travel grooms accompany horses during transportation to ensure their safety and welfare. Whether it’s over land, air, or via specialised horse transportation services, grooms prepare the horses for travel, oversee loading and unloading, and monitor their condition throughout the journey, ensuring proper ventilation, access to water and food, and a comfortable environment. Travel grooms also provide a familiar presence, reducing stress and ensuring the horse’s optimal condition upon arrival.

Poppy James, Team Hong Kong, China Competition Groom and Lead Home Rider, shared, “Flying with horses is a completely unique experience. Being responsible for their wellbeing in an isolated aircraft is both high pressure and rewarding. A strong knowledge of horse behaviour and welfare are paramount to ensure every horse on the flight receives utmost care.”

During competitions, when horses need to be at their peak both physically and mentally, the role of the groom becomes even more crucial. Grooms ensure the horse is impeccably turned out, with a clean and well-maintained coat, mane, and tail. Additionally, grooms are responsible for inspecting the saddle, bridle, and other gear to ensure cleanliness, proper fit, and optimal working condition.

“Being a groom at a major championship is always an incredible experience. It is very humbling to witness some of the horses that we care for on a daily basis compete at such a high level,” Kirstie du Gay, Team Hong Kong, China Competition Groom and Yard Manager, said.

The unsung heroes of the sport, equestrian grooms play an integral role in the success of these magnificent creatures. Their unwavering dedication and expertise ensure that horses receive the care, support, and attention they need to shine brightly in the world of competitive equestrianism.